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throned 21st Sept. He died 7th Dec. 12419^ and was buried near St. Stephen's altar in Lichfield cathe- dral. Upon the death of Hugh Pateshull, the majo- rity of the chapters of Lichfield and Coventry elected William of MontpelierQi, precentor of Coventry, in the room of the deceased bishop : but a certain num- ber of the canons of Lichfield preferred Richard Cras- sus, abbot of Evesham, and keeper of the great seal of England ; and as the King was favourable to the latter y^, the precentor resigned his election, and the abbot of Evesham was approved by the Pope, but died at La Reole in Gascony 8th Dec. 1242, before consecration'^^ They then re-elected William of Mont- peher, who refused the office a second time on account of the King's objection to him, whereupon the Pope, rege penihis inconsulio, appointed 1245 Roger de Weseham, dean 0/ Lincoln, and archdeacon 30 H. III. of Rochester, whom he consecrated with the bishop of Chichester in 1245-6 at Lyons ^^ much to the King's displeasure ; the temporalities however were restored to him 25th Mar. 1 246^^ at the Pope's request. After ten years' constant sickness he resigned his bishopric at Brewood 4th Dec. 1256^6 in the presence of H. de Lexinton , bishop of Lincoln, who was deputed by the Pope to receive it^", and the King assigned to him

��90 Matt. Paris ad ann. 8th Dec. dominus Papa fecit de magistro Thorn. Chesterfeld ; 13th Dec. R. de Weseham quondam deca- WalUngford. no Lincoln, praeficiendo eum de

91 De Monte Pessulano. He facto episcopum ecclesi^ Co- had been nominated to this see ventr. et Lichfield, facta fuit in by the Pope. prsejudicium dignitatis nostrae,de

- Matt. Paris. mera liberalitate et gratia nostra.

Matt. Westm. ad instanciam ipsius Papae, tem-

4 Matt. Paris. Ha;c igitur poralia ad eundem episcopatum

postquam Regi innotuerunt du- spectancia eidem episcopo reddi-

orum episcopatus, scilicet Cice- dimus. 25 die Martii. Pat. 30

strensis et Cestrensis, bona tern- Hen. HL m. 7.

poralia jussitinfiscari. 96 "Die Omnium Sanctorum

95 Rex &c. Sciatis quod non (ist Nov.) 1256." Matt. Paris.

obstante eo quod ordinatio quam ^^ Annal. Burton, p. 366.

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