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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/594

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J^ 1386 Richard Lescrope or Scrope, LL.D., dean of Chi- 10 Ric. II. Chester, was promoted to this see by papal bull 1 8th Aug. 138630, and consecrated the next day at Genoa. He obtained the temporalities 15th Nov.^\ and 2nd June 1398 he was translated to York-^'-. 1398 John Bourghill or Brughill, bishop of Llandaff, 22 Ric. II. was translated to this see in Sept. 1398, and the tem- poralities were restored to him on the i6th of that month a-i. He died about 20th May 14143*, and his will was proved on the 27th of the same month 35. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Bourghill, is dated 20th June 141 4^6.

\/^ 1415 John Catrik or Catterike or Ketterich, Ushop of A 3 Hen. V. ^t. David's, was translated to this see by papal provi- sion 1st Feb. 1414-1537. The temporalities were re- stored to him 1 5th May following 3, but the custody of the temporalities had been granted to him 13th Oct. preceding3fJ. Having made his profession of obedience to the archbishop, he received the spiritu- alities 2 i st June. He was translated to Exeter by papal bull dated 20th Nov. 1419^0. 1420 William Hkiworth*', abbot of St. Alban's, was pro- 8 Heu. V. moted to the see of Lichfield by papal bull dated 20th

30 Reg. Courtn. fol. 321. scopi" issued 25th June 1414.

31 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. m. 9. Ibid. p. 263.

32 Pat. 22 Ric. II. p. I. m. 31. 35 Rgg. Cantuar.

33 Ibid. m. 12. 36 Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 16.

34 Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 29. 37 Reg. Chichel. fol. 8. Registrum vacationis episcopatus 38 Pat. 3 Hen. V. p. i. m. 18. Coventren. et Lichef. per mortem 39 p^t. 2 Hen. V. p. 2. m. 21. recolendae memorise domini Jo- 40 Rgg. Chicbel. fol. 8. hannis Burghull episcopi per dis- 41 Godwin states that James cretos viros raagistros Walterura Carj' (who was at the court of BuUok et Willielmum Newport Rome when John Catrik was ecclesise cathed. Lichefeld. cano- promoted to Exeter) was pre- nicos custodes spiritual, a 10 ferred to the see of Lichfield, die Junii 1414 (Reg. Chichel. vacant by the translation of Ca- pars ii. fol. 117), and a commis- trik, but that he died in Italy sion " de administratione bono- before his preferment could be rum domini Johannis BourghuU completed ; but this statement nuper Coventren. et Lichef. epi- must be incorrect, as the two

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