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Nov. 141 9 4^. The temporalities were restored to him 15th April 142043. He made his profession to the archbishop 28th Nov. following, and was consecrated in the chapel of the bishop of London at Fulham, on - Sunday ist Dec. in that year. He died 13th March 1446-744, and was buried in St. Alban's abbey. A license to elect a bishop, vice William Heiworth, issued 28th April 144745, 1447 William Bothe, queen Margarets chancellor^ and arch-

'5 Hen. VI. deacon of Middlesex^ was provided to this see by papal bull dated 26th April 1447*6. He made his profes- sion of obedience to the archbishop in Croydon church 2nd May47. The temporalities were restored to him 3rd June 48, and he was consecrated 9th July in the same year. On 21st July 1452 he was translated to York. 1452 Nicholas Cloose or Close, hishop of Carlisle, was

3iHen.Vl. translated to Lichfield by bull dated 30th Aug. 1452. He had a grant of the custody of the temporalities 15th Aug.49, and plenary restitution of them 6th

bulls, one for the translation of the Kinpf's letters missive to the

Catrik and the other for the pro- chancellor (dated from Rouen

vision of Heiworth, are hoth 15th April 1420) state, " We

dated Florence xii Cal. Decemh. have granted unto the elect of

(20th Nov.) 1419. The words Chester, late abbot of St. Alban's,

of the bull which placed Heiworth to have the temporalities of the

at Lichfield are, " Ecclesiam Co- bishopric of Chester, notwith-

ventr. et Lichfeld, ideo vacantem, standing that he is not sacred

quod nos hodie venerabilem fra- bishop there,"&c. Orig.inTurr.

trem JohanneraExon. tunc Lich- London.

feld et Coventr. episcopum, apud 44 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 275.

Sedem Apostolicam constitutum, O. E.

ad ecclesiam Exon. tunc vacan- 45 Pat. 25 Hen.VL p. 2. m.30.

temduximustransferendum,con- 46 Reg. StaflFord, fol. 26.

tixlimus Willelmo Abbati Mona- 47 Ibid.

sterii S. Albani." Heiworth de- 48 Pat. 25 Hen. VL p. 2. m. 29.

iivered the apostolic letters to the The King's letter to the chan-

archbishop 28th Nov. 1420 at cellor commanding him to make

his manor of Lambeth. Reg. out letters of restitution is dated


��Chichel. fol. 30. istJune. Orig. in Turr. Lond.

42 Reg. Chichel. fol. 30. 49 Pat. 31 Hen.VL p. i. ra.23.

43 Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. 26, and

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