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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/596

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Sept.'^ He made his profession to the archbishop 15th Oct.^i, and died before the end of that month^^. A Ucense to elect a bishop in the room of Nicholas Oloose issued 17th Dec. 1452^-^, but 14^3 Reginald Boulers or Bolers ^-^j hishop of Hereford, 3iHen.Vl. was translated to Lichfield by bull of pope Nicolas V. of 7th Feb. 1452-3^^. The temporalities were restored to him 26th Marches, and he made his profession of obedience at Fulham 4th April ^7. He died and was buried at Lichfield in 1459. His will, dated 23rd March 1458-9, was proved icth April 1459^8, A conge d'elire^ vice bishop Boulers, issued 21st April 1459 5; nevertheless the Pope appointed 1459 JoHX Hals or Hales, dean of Exeter, and arclideacon 38 Hen. VI. of Nor folli and Norwich; and the King restored the temporalities to him 31st Oct. 1459^0, and he was consecrated 25th Nov.^i He died 30th Dec. 1490^^, and was buried in Lichfield cathedral. A license to elect a bishop in the room of bishop Hals issued 25th Feb. 1490-91^3, in pursuance of which 1493 William Smith, dean of St. Stephen s Westminster, and 8 H.VII. archdeacon of Surrey, wiXB chosen; but, though properly elected, was afterwards provided to this see by pope Alexander VI. ist Oct. 1492^-*. He had license to be consecrated out of the church of Canterbury 30th Dec. following 6^, and the temporalities were restored to him 29th Jan. 14923^^. He was consecrated 2nd April 1493, and was translated to Lincoln in Jan. 1495-6.

��^^ Pat. 31 Hen.VI. p. i. m. 12. ^9 Pat. 37 Hen.VI. p. i. m. 2.

51 Reg. Kemp. fol. 214. ^^ Pat. 38 Hen.VI. p. 2. m.4.

52 Anglia Sacra, p. 453. ^i Reg. Morton.

^3 Pat. 31 Hen.VI. p. i. rn.12. ^2 Reg. Morton. His death is

54 Godwin calls him Butler, as also said to have taken place does also Le Neve. 30th Sept. and 3rd Oct.

55 Reg. Kemp. fol. 215. "3 Pat. 6 Hen. VII. m. 6.

56 Pat. 31 Hen.VI. p. i. m.4. ^ Reg. Morton, fol. 16.

57 Reg. Kemp. fol. 215. 5 Rgg_ Cantuar.

58 Lib. Stokton. 66 Pat. 8 Hen.VII. p. i . m. 6.

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