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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/231

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Sol o\io\ Dl Noi; i 11 ur i; \ died DQBCk 381 '1 of this stall ill I 292.

Wai.tki; hi Win roNj \ Gal. Maii (22nd April) 1292. John di Fleming, collated \ Oal. Mail (22nd April)

1 294, but was soon afterwards removed t<> Leighton-

Buszard. Hugh de Colinghaw held this stall in 1293. Nicholas di Whitchubch, collated \iii Gal. .Jan. (20th

Dec.) 1295. He quitted it for Wilton Westhall. William im Sabden succeeded \ii Id. March (9th

1296- 7. John hi I. \m ^ died holding this stall in 1301. Robert Lasi i . He quitted it the same year for ( llif-

ton, ami was Buooeeded by .Ions hi s. ilby, collated in 1301. William de Fothebinghay, collated in 1306, vice

Soalby resigned. John i>i \\'i\( in 1 si \. collated in 131 1, vice Foder-

inghay deceased. Bbiscds hi Siioim sted died in 1327, possessed of this


Wai.tkk de Si io\. collated in 1327, vice Shores ted

deceased. -* Simon Islip held it in 1332.

Jeffby Km \h.\m held it about 133.5.

Edmond ik Bebefobd exchanged it forAilesbury pre- bend with

Simon Islip again in 1337. He was made archbishop of Canterbury in 1349.

John de Haddon, collated v Id. Sept. (9th) 1349; held it in 1363, and died in 1372.

Laubence de Nigbis resigned it in 1379 to

.Thomas de Dalby, who exchanged it for Tockering- ton prebend in York cathedral, with

Robert de Dalton, 18th Feb. 1389-90. Appoint- ment ratified nth Dec. 1390 33 .

  • 3 Pat. 14 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 49.

vol. 11. G g

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