��286 LINCOLN.
ili MtY Beaunci wi.i.i. succeeded 20th Juno 1395, and died possessed of it 23rd Feb. 13956, ami was buried in the cathedral. , John- de II w 1 EtsHAM, collated 25th Feb. 1395-6, vice Brauncewell deceased.
Richard Hi in. collated 1405. vice Haversham re- signed. He quitted it t'.>r Oastor, though he was a second time installed in 1414.
Jou\ de Haversham succeeded, being a second time collated. 2nd Oct. 1415, vice Heth resigned.
John Daltoh exchanged it in 1416 l'<>r North Kelse)
w ith
John Soi in a.m. who resigned it for Sanote Crucis in
1420. Jons in Haversham obtained it a third time. He
was collated the jrd and installed [6th Nov. 1420.
lln BARD In.. 01 i>-n\ \sa< collated 24th . \ ] 11 1 14:7, and
died 27th April 1 448, and was buri< d in the cathedral.
ROBERT K 1 1: K 1 1 \ M . collated > 1 <t May [448, vice In-
goldsby deceased. Thomas Tayler, alias Barnby, collated 20th June
1452. Hi. died about [485. Thomas Young is said to have been collated 8'th Oct.
[483, \ ice Taj ler resigned. Andrew Bensted, A.M., collated 1 ith March 1486-7,
vice Young deceased. He quitted it for Thorngate. Peter Hi sky, archdeacon of Northampton, collated 14th
Feb. 1493-4, and died in Jan. 1499-1500. THOMAS Stark, collated 4th Jan. 1499-1502. and ad- mitted ist Feb. following, vice Husee deceased. He
quitted it for Welton Ryval. William Atkinson, collated ;th March 1503-4, vice
Spark resigned, lie died Nth Aug. 1509, and was
buried in Windsor College chapel. Simon Gkkxe, collated 6th Nov. 1509, and installed by
proxy 5th Feb. following, vice Atkinson deceased.
He was made precentor in 1 5 1 2i and quitted this
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