John Kim. collated iitli March 1395-6, vice Barton
deceased. John II.u.i i. collated 1416, vice Kele deceased. He
quitted it for Soamlesby. Nk solas Burton, collated 14 ,5, vice Hagef resigned. Thomas Coles, collated 4th .May 14 ;S. vice Burton
deceased. Robert Beaumont, collated 2nd May 1439, vice Cole
resigned. John BoTEL] Et, installed 7th Feb. 1460-61.
Thomas Rotheram, B.D., collated 9th Oct. 1462; mad bishop of Rochester in 146s.
John" Gourl, 1468. He exchanged 2nd Jan. the same year for a prebend of St. Stephen's college West- minster, with
Tiioma8 Key, collated 24th Feb. 146S-9; he held the stall not long, and died about 1509.
John Ruding possessed it in 1474.
Richard Graystoi k. installed 15th Feb. 1475-6, vice Undine resigned.
Jam] s \\ iiistons, installed i 8th June 1496.
William Skelton, installed 5th July J 497 ; died pos- sessed of it in 1501 .
William Spark, collated 30th July 1501, vice Skelton deceased. He quitted it for Welton Ryval.
Robert Tovies, collated in 1503-4, and installed per- sonally 24th March that same year.
Thomas Reynes, collated 31st Aug. 1504.
John Harden', collated 30th April 1505 ; on whose qnitting it
Thomas Wolsey, collated 8th Feb. 1508-9. He quit- ted for Stow Longa.
John Harden, collated a second time 3rd May, and installed by proxy 9th May 1509; died possessed of it in 1541.
John Longland, A.B., collated 30th Sept. 1541, and installed the same year, vice Harden deceased. He quitted it for Kilsby.
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