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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/234

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��228 LINCOLN.

John Arnold, B.A., collated l8th April, and installed

cytli May i 746. IIknkv BEST, collated 4th. and installed 15th .June 1 754. .John Bark, collated 17th July 1 7 .5 "i -

WlLLIAM Com., collated :4th Aug., and installed 18th

Sept. 1778. vice John Hair deceased. Edward Edwards, A.M., collated 1 ith June, and

installed 13th Aug. [808, vice William Cole deceased Thomas KayeBonney, A.M., collated 1 7th Oct., and in

-tailed 20th Dec. 182 ;. vice Edward Edwards resigned.

\\ i:i/l ON BRINKHALL.

Hi 1. 11 in Collingham was succeeded xiii Kal. dan. (20th Dec ) 1 295, by

\ 1. 11 hi \- in Wini. 111 1;. 11. He quitted it tor \\ .Hon Ryval.

William di Sardi n, collated ii Non. April (4th) 1 -<.> 7

John m Nevill, collated in 1 30 3, vice Sardeo re- signed.

Koin 1; 1 in Bridi ington, collated in 1324, <>n Nevill's quitting it.

Simon Islif held it in 1327. He was afterwards arch- bishop of Canterbury.

Thomas di London, collated in 1331.

WalTEB DE LONDON held it in [343, an. I was suc- ceeded by John hi GBIMESB1 : up on whose death

William di Navi sby had it given him in 1349; but

he quitted it to Ralph de 1)wi ntri in exchange for Welton Ryval

viii Id. Oct. (8th) 1 358 ; and he likew ise quitted it the

y.ar following, in exchange for the deanery of Brock.

in the diocese of Norwich, to Richard de R.w enseb ; who also exchanged it for a

prebend of Beverley with Hoc. Kit de Nasm ni.tox, i6th Sept. 1363. and he

changed it the same day with lli ni;\ Barton, \i/. i6th Sept. 1363. He died 1395.

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