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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/240

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Nicholas Wymbell is mentioned as succeeding on

Hayworth's resigning it. Robert Iwabdby, collated 28th June 1427. John Pboctob, LL.B., collated 28th June 1 43 ^ . He

died in 1444- William ETopj r, LL.B., collated 27th Oct. 1444. W \ 11 11; S \ s D [i 11 died in 1452. holding this stall. Vincent Clement, 8.T.P., collated 24th Oct. 1452,

vice Sandwich deceased, appears to have resigned it

in 141 s - Be was made archdeacon of Huntingdon in

1464. Stephen Closj was collated 28th Nov. 1458, and held

it in 14V). He died in 1470, being archdeacon of

Carlisle William Clayton, presented by the Kim:, and in- stalled 4th Jane 147 1 . Bomond Chadebton oocun p eased of it in 14

and quitted it in 14 s -: for another prebend. John Si i moi a, collate d 2nd July 1482, vice ( lhaderton

n aigrn d. Thomas Spark, collated 1 Mh March [5034, and in- stalled by prox) on the {oth of the sain-' month. He

quitted it for I tanholm. Edmond Hanson, installed personally 21st Sept. 1504.

( Mi whose quitting it, Henry Wilcockb, LI.. I)., collated 20th May 1507.

He quitted it. 20th Dee. following, for Liddington. Wili 1 am Spark, collated 12th Jan. 15078. He soon

gave it up, on getting a better dignity, to Nicholas Bbadbbidge, collated 8th March 1507-8.

He quitted it for Liddington the same year. Brian Higden, LL.D., collated 29th Aug. 1.508. He

quitted this, and was succeeded by William Mason, LL.D.. 12th Jan. 1502-3. Thomas Lark, installed 30th Sept. 1.514. John Cli icents, installed jrd Jan. 151718. Laurence Barber, A.M., collated 13th Jan. 1525-6.

Died in 1538.

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