Richard Scrivener, A.M., collated 2ml Feb. 15389. He died in 1548.
John Ha i; dim an, S.T.P., installed 20th May 1,548. Made prebendary of Westminster, and quitted it to
Anthony Maxwell, A.M., installed 12th Nov. 1553, and possessed of it in 1561. Ho died in 1571.
Edward ChippingdalEj collated iyth Sept. and in- stalled 30th Nov. 157 1, on the death of the last pre- bendary, not named. Resigned it to his kinsman,
John Chifimngdale, LL.D., collated 9th Aug. and in- stalled 1 8th Oct. 1575.
Edward Gatley, collated 26th Sept. and installed 7th Oct. 1609.
Gabriel C' A.M., installed 20th July 1615. He quitted it for Empingham. He died 10th May 1662, and was buried in Durham cathedral.
Edward Heron, A.M., succeeded, installed 24th Mar. 1615-16, vice Clerk resigned. He quitted it for Gret- ton, and was succeeded by
John Noble, collated 29th Nov. 1631, and installed 1 8th March 16312; on whose death,
Thomas Fawcet was installed 31st Aug. 1660, vice Noble deceased. He died in 1667.
Samuel Bentham, A.M., installed 6th June 1667; re- signed in 1699.
Samuel Richardson, A.M., collated 25th July and installed 18th Aug. 1699. Resigned it to his son
William Richardson, A.M., collated 19th Oct. and installed on the 24th of the same month 1724.
Robert Richardson, collated 3rd and installed 12th March 1760, vice William Richardson resigned.
Anthony Reynolds, collated 22nd and installed 27th
Nov. 1773, vice Robert Richardson resigned. William Wickham Drake, A.M., collated 17th and installed 19th May j8io, vice Anthony Reynolds de- ceased.
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