Nk holas in Win rcHURCB held this stall in 1296. Walteb Di. Maydestun, stibdean, died possessed of
this stall in 1337. Nicholas hi Carent succeeded in 1337. and held it
in '343-
Hamo Hi 1.1 1;-, ('ari'iit - - - >r in the subdeanery,
held this stall in 1348 9. John Morton 10 , LL.B., collated to the subdeanery
and this prebend ann( sed 9th May 1458. Robert Aiscough was, <>n his collation to the sub-
dean. iry, appointed to this prebend 14th April 1458.
The subdeanery is said to be annexed. His successor
in the subdeanery was Robert Wymbcsh, t<> whom succeeded Philip Li pei \ 1 1 . who quitted this prebend anno 14
for North K> list -\ .
Robert Langton, collated 10th Oct. 1483; quitted
it about 1 5 1 " William Boubbank, LL.D., installed 13th March
1517-18. William Bourbank, collated [3th June [527, by the
title of Kvuvista. Died in 1 53 1. Thomas Robertson, 8th Jan. 1330-]. Gilbert Monson, A.B., collated and installed by proxy
5th Aug. 1547; hut he was sel aside. Nicholas Buli [Ngb \m. (afterwards bishop of this see)
installed 17th Dec. 1347. He quitted it on getting
another prebend to (in hi kt MonsoNj \vh<> is -aid to be collated 25th Sept-
1 54S, vice Bullingham resigned ; on whose death,
which set-in* to have happened in 1333. John Warni b was installed 27th Oct. 1535; he quitted
it in 150T, being made dean of Winchester.
"' There is a gap here of up- hetween Belers and Morton, wards of one hundred years ; named at p. 30, held this stall. but probably the other suhdean-
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