John Davison, 13th April 1472".
John Penberton, 23rd Juno 1472 9 -.
John Peese, LL.D., 29th Nov. 1475, vice Penberton
resigned'". John Smith, LL.B., 1 1 th April 1 4S7 l J l . John Salvage resigned.
ClIHIM OlMI I K l'l.l M.M1.K, 9th Jill)' 1,515.
John Salvage reappointed; resigned a second time in
'5-4- John PennaKO, D.D., 1 itfa Oct. 15-4, on the resigna- tion of Salvage '".
William BoLEYN, 23rd May i;", -i/, W08 Pennand de- ceased
John Pate, 8th Jan. 152930, vice Boleyn resigned 1 ". Pi 1 1 b Vaknb died in possession of this stall in
i54 John Yoi ng, S.'IM'.. 3rd May 1564, vice Vanno de-
osased ". Ob. 10th April 1605, eetat. 71.
John FLOW] B, A.M.. 7th July [579 1 .
Petes Lillys, S.T.B., 1 6th April 1599, vice Flower deceased '.
George Dow mum, S.T.P. ; resigned in 1616 on being
made bishop of I terry. Thomas Somk, A.M.. 17th Feb. 16 J 6, vice Dounham
promoted 9 . Thomas Westfield, archdeacon of St. Allan's, died
possi 98ed of this stall. He became bishoji of Prietol,
and died 25th June 1644. Matthew Nicolas, LL.D., 17th Aug. 1660 4 . John DolbeNj S.T.P., 21st April 1661 3 , vice Nicolas
��01 Reg. Kempc, f. 13.3. w Reg. Tunstall, f. 29.
-' [bid. f. 134. Reg. Grindal, f. 133.
" [bid. f. 153. 1 [bid. f. 196.
w Ibid. f. 212. 2 ibid. f. 318.
Reg. Fits-James, f. f>o. 8 Keg. Bancroft, f. 210.
Reg. Tunstall, f. 8. 4 Reg. Laud, f. 1 a8.
- '~ Ibid. f. 27. Keg. Henchman, f. 21.
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