Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/99

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Thomas de Anesty, archdeacon of Durham.

Philip Lovel, the King's treasurer, held this stall when Hardell was mayor of London 77 .

Alexander de Fluent in.

Fulco Lovell, archdeacon of Colchester.

Ralph de II engham.

John de Manso held this stall 12th April 1329. Re- signed about Oct. 1337.

Raymund Pelegrine, Oct. 1337. Ratified in it by the King 6th Nov. [343^.

Adam Dam tout 7 resigned in 1 38 1 M) .

William de Hermesthori> succeeded 21st Nov. 1381, vice Adam Damport 81 .

Richard Clifford, appointed 1st Feb. 1385-6 s-2 .

John- Roii.i.v held this stall 3rd July 1 386^ J .

Guy Mom:, 7th Oct. 1386, vice Rouley resigned 81 . He was also treasurer of this church. ^ John Cole, 28th Aug. 1389, vice Mone resigned s '.

Richard Clifford, appointed 10th Dec. 1397 86 . \ John Colxk, appointed 23rd April [3988?.

Henry Bowett, appointed 18th Oct. 1399 88 . ' John Rrech, 26th Sept. 1406 s .

Robert Felton died possessed of this stall in 1438 90 .

Thomas Wodeford, 20th July 1438, vice Felton yl .

Fulk Bermingham, 22nd Oct. 1441, vice Wodeford resigned 92 .

Masculine Cosyn resigned this prebend in 1466.

Henry Sharp, 4th Feb. 1466-7 0J .

Thomas Chaundeler, S.T.D., 15th Aug. 147 1 94 .

��" Cart. Orig. 8 ? Pat. 22 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 33.

Pat. 18 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 6. 88 p at . x Hen. IV. p. 1. m.30.

79 Reg. Baudake, f. 103. 89 Ibid, et Pat. 7 Hen. IV. p.

80 Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. 1 . m. 6. 2. m. 5.

81 Ibid. 90 Reg. Lond. et Cantuar.

82 Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 38. > Reg. Gilbert, f. 13.

83 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. 2. 92 ibid. f. 39.

84 Reg. Braybroke, ff. 47, 153. 93 R e g_ Kempe, f. 104. w Reg. Walden, f. 1. 94 ibid. f. 129.

m Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 21.

VOL. II. 3 B

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