Wai.tkk de Alderbury. His appointment was ra- tified 10th Dec. 1362 "'. Hi' was also dean of this cathedral.
William di Chuseldon. Hia appointment was ra- tified by the King 27th Oct. 1 ^7-4. : .
Thomas Beightwell. lli< appointment was ratified by the King 4th Nov. 1386".
\\ 1 IMAM Dl (.11 I l: I . 23rd ( >t. I3QO78.
Wai.m 1; Cooi held this stall 7 1 1 1 March 1 396-77* and
20th Jan. 1421 2 80 . J).w in I'ku 1 , 4th Aug. [423 B1 . Thomas di Bekinton, LL.D., 10th Nov. [438, on
the death of Prioi He became bishop of Hath
and Wells.
John Kette, 5th April 1444
John II \i-. S.T.B.j 6th .Inly 14;,;,. on the death <-f Kette' '. He was promoted to the Bee of < oventry and Lichfield.
Thom is Manning, 30th Nov. 1459, on the promotion of Raise to the see of ( loventry and Lichfield
John Sudburi or Crall, 2cth March 1463 M . He was also archdeacon of 1 !sg
Thomas Bri m. LL.D.. 18th Dec. 147'/. on the death of Sudbury or ( 'ralh".
Jons- Young, LL.D.. 28th Nov.1511, on the resigna- tion of Brent 88 . Do became dean of York in j "> 1 4 - and he was master of the Rolls. Died 25th April [516, and waa buried in the Bolls chapel, Chancery- lane, London.
John Adam-. S.T.P., nth Feb. 1 5 t 1 , on the resigna- tion of Young* .
"' Pat. 36 Bdw.III. p. 1. m. 25. - Pat. 22 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 24.
"' Pat. 4s Edw. [II. p. a. et Reg. Dec. et Cap. tail.
77 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. 1. m. 16. Ileg. Kempe, f. ;/>
> Eleg. Braybroke, f. 79. - Ibid. f. 68.
<" ; ' Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 37. " Ibid. f. 88.
80 Reg. Dec. et Cap. f. 85. " Ibid. f. 176.
81 Ibid. f. 98. " Reg. Fitzjames, f. 31.
82 Reg. Gilbert, f. 15. Ibid. f. 32.
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