John Bulgyn, A.M., 21st Jan. 1520, on the resigna- tion of Adams 90 .
William Greene, S.T.P., 21st July 1534, on the death of Bulgyn 91 .
Hexky Cole, LL.D., 5th Oct. 1540, on the death of Greene CJ -. He became dean of London.
William Buckmasteb, S.T.P., .9th April 1541, on the resignation of Cole'".
Robert Cousynne, A.M., 14th Sept. 1545, on the death of Buckmaster 94 . He was also treasurer of this church.
Jonx Haepsfield, 26th May 1554, on the cession of Cousynne 95 . I [e was also archdeacon of London.
James Grixdall, 5th March 1560'"'.
Edward Layfield, A.M., 21st Feb. 1574, on the death of Grindall"" .
Richard Vaughan, A.M., 18th Nov. 1583, on the death of Layfield' 18 . He was promoted to the bishop- ric of this see.
Thomas Worrall, S.T.P., 19th July 1627. Died 28th Nov. 1639.
John Haxsley, A.M., 15th Feb. 1639-40, on the death of Worrall". He became archdeacon of Colchester.
John Lake, S.T.P., 4th June 1667 1 . He was pro- moted to the see of Chichester.
Robert Cory, S.T.P., 9th Jan. 1682 2 .
Samuel Edgeley, 12th April 1705 3 .
Johx Wilcox, 8th Sept. 1732 4 .
William Parker, 23rd Sept. 1762 3 .
��90 Reg. Fitz- James, f. 80. 97 Reg. Grindal, f. 178.
91 Reg. Stokesley, f. 24. 98 ibid. f. 212.
9 2 Reg. Bonner, f. 134. 99 Reg. Laud, f. 102.
93 Ibid. f. 135. 1 Reg. Henchman, f. 126.
94 Ibid. f. 153. 2 R eg . Compton, f. 73.
95 Ibid. f. 452. 3 Bishops' Certificates.
96 Reg. Grindal, f. 119. 4 ibid. 5 ibid. vol. 11. 3 e
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