Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/124

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Luke Heslop, archdeacon of Bucks, 28th Sept. 1776, vice Parker. Ob. 23rd June 1825, atat. 87.

Henkv Handle? Nobbis, 4th Nov. 1825, vice Luke Heslop". Ob. 4th Dec. [850, BBtat. So.


I,i vkcari's Cantob. He was canon here in ] 104-'.

Robert "jtfitu GeneramuT oooun in 1 132", 1150", ami 1162 '-.

It \ 1 i'ii, precentor of this cathedral.

\V.\i. 1 1 1:. j / ei >'>r of this cathedral.

John 01 ( ahtbbbuby, c hance llor of Ait cathedral*

Simox in Lang] 1 OH.

Tii 1 1 1 1' Wortu Brad u

Hi MET D] CoBHHI 1. 1.. chanoeUoTi and afterwards dean of this eathi dial.

Ki< HARD 'I'm 1 hot. treaturer^ and afterwards dean of this cathedral.

\V.\i 1 1 1 1.1 .Mi u rou held this stall in 1 264".

William de Ewi 1.1. held this stall on the Kalends of Juno 1301 l '.

Rom it r Dr. BaLIKM k. adinitt- d 00 the Vigil of St. Lau- rence 131a 15 . lb- was alao archdeacon of Middlesex.

Tik.mas im A.8T] 1 1 ^ held it 15th Peb. 1328-9"'. Hia appointment was ratified by Pat. 21 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 22. II.' was also archdeacon of Middlesex, and treason r of this church.

R 1 -1 i - \i- How] 11. 4th Dec. 1326 1 ".

Richabd DE Astoh, ratified by the King in this pre- bend 20th Sept. 1339 '"

��Hi-hops' Certificates. ] - Cart. Orig.

7 ibid. u Pat. 49 Hea. III. N. 24-

8 Hollywell. Halywell, Halli- " Lib. A. f. go. well, alias Finsbury or Fines- l * Cut. Orig.

bury, Wvnesbury or Yynesbury. ' Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. I.

9 Reg. Dec.etCap.Lib.Luf.IQ. 17 Reg. Baudake, f. 63.

10 Lib. L f. 53. ,8 Pat. 33 Edw. [II. p. J.

11 Lib. B. f. |S.

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