prebend 21st April 1316'. IJo was one of the barons
of the Exchequer. Jonx Rusel had this prebend given him by the King
7 th July 1316". Hugh de Ingolisma had it given him by the King
5th Aug. 13:4 ' : . He was archdeacon of Canterbury
in 1327. RoG 11; I- \i; MY. RlCHABD Dl. BlNTWOBTB or III \ I I w nil I'll , pivx-nt I <1
ictli April 1338. lie became bishop of London tho
same year. Ill m;v DE I hi - >a- in I Dl BH OBTH.
Edmund de Guyme8by, presented 6th \ws. 1330 \ v. Rog] aHoMEorHoLMi ;ohanoellorofthischurchin] 369.
William Waltham, LL. II., 30th Juno [395 V'Thomas Southam, 22ml March 1397-N. <'ii the resig- nation of Waltham
Thomas Shapewi ee, alias Hobston, alias Van Shape- \\ u k. 1 li< appointment was ratified 15th Sept. [404 31 . ( )li. circa Sept. 1410. ^Nicolas Hebbuby, IM>., 23th Sept. 141c , <>n the death of Horston.
Robebt Clebb died p <1 of this stall in 1430.
William Gbi > . collate d 1 1 th Jan. [430-1, on the death of Clerk .
Clem] .1 Di nston, 15. L)., 6th June [446, on the re- signation of Grey ; .
Nicoi is Stdbgeon, presented 23rd May 1 45- ' ', on the death <>f Denston. He was precentor of this
cathedral in 1442. John W 11 ni 1 ete, June 1454, on the (bath of Stur- geon .
Pat 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 18. 81 Pat. 5 Hen. IV. p. r. m. 32. - ,; Pat. 1 1 Edw. II. p. a. m. 4. Wal. P. Clif. f. 29.
- Pat. 18 Edw. II. p. 1. Keg. Grey, f. ?.
M Pat. 24 Edw. III. p. 2. m.20. : ;. Gilbert, f. 68.
'- Reg. Braybroke, f. 132. et Reg. Kempe, f. [8.
Pat. 19 Ric. II. p. 2. m. j7_ M Ibid. f. 38. 30 Reg. Braybroke. f. 158
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