Robeet Ballabd, 24th Nov. 1465, on the resigna- tion of* Waynflete : . He was treasurer of this cathe- dral in 1474.
William Kemp, 2nd March 1478-9, on the resignation of Ballard .
Richard Layton, LL.I5., 9th May [523 s9 , on the re- signation of Kemp, tie was archdeacon of Bucks in
1534- William Lay ton, 17th Oet. 1544, on the death of
Richard Layton '". John Beadfoed, A.M., :4th Aug. 1551, on the death
of William Laj ton ". John Fecxenham, S.T.B., 25th Jan. 1553 4 4a . He
was dean of this church in 1554. Geoege Lilly, 22nd Nov. 1556, on the resignation of
Feckenham . John Mullens, A.M., 29th July 1559, on the death of
Lilly 11 . He was archdeacon of London in 1560. Edward Stanhop, LL.D., 31st May 1591 ', on the
death of Mullens. He died 16th March 16089. Robeet Tinley, S.T.P., 23rd Aug. 160S, on tho death
of Stanhop 1 ". Joiix King, A.M., 23rd Dec. j6i6, on the death of
Tinley ". He died 2nd Jan. 1638. John Tolsen or Tolson, S.T.P., 15th Feb. 1638-9^.
He was chosen provost of Oriel College, Oxon, 29th
June 1 62 1. Ob. 1 6th Dec. 1644. Waltee Joxes, S.T.P., 14th Aug. 1660 >'\ Thomas Henchman, S.T.P., archdeacon of Wilts, 13th
July 1672 50 .
��37 Reg. Kempe, f. 98. 44 Reg. Bonner, f. 482.
38 Ibid. f. 167. 45 Reg. Grindal, f. 257. Reg. Tunstall, f. 3. 46 R eg . Bancroft, f. in.
40 Reg. Bonner, f. 148. 47 ibid. f. 208.
41 Ibid. f. 313. 48 Reg. Laud, f. 98. 4-' Ibid. f. 448. 49 Ibid. f. 127.
43 Ibid. f. 469. 50 Reg. Hencbman, f. 145.
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