William Say, dean of this cathedral, resigned this pre- bend in 1464 \
John Ohadworth or Ciiedworth, 18th July 1464, on the resignation of Say 96 .
William Dudley, A.M., 15th Aug. 1471, on the death of Chad worth 97 . He was archdeacon of Middlesex in 1475.
Richabd Li< 111 ii id, LL.D., 20th Oct. 1472, on the resignation of Dudley 98 . He was archdeacon of Mid- dlesex in 1476.
Hugh Oldham, 11th March 1475-6, on the death of
John Pickering, B.D., 6th Jan. 15034, on the re- signation of ( Mdliain '.
John Yoi hg, LL.D.. icth Feb. 15 10 11, on the death of Pickering -.
Tiiom K8 WsLLS, S.T.P., 20th A])ril 1516, on the death of Young '.
Willi \m W \kh.\m died possessed of this stall in 1558'.
Jons BoXHALL, S.T.P., 14th May 1558 s . II o was suc- cessively archdeacon of Ely, derm of Peterborough, dean of Norwich, dean of Windsor.
Thomas Pi nny, A.M., 2nd March 1558 9, on the de- privation of Boxhall .
Robert King, A.M., 3rd Dec. 1577, on the depriva- tion of Penny ; .
II con Lloyd, LL.TL, 12th Nov. 1584, on the death of King 8 . Ob. 17th Oct. 1601.
Zachaby Pasfield, S.T.B., 24th Oct. 1601, on the
death of Lloyd '-.
��95 Reg. Kempe, f. 90. > Reg. Fitz-James, f. 64.
96 Ibid. A Reg. Bonner, f. 47-,. Ibid. f. 128. Ibid.
98 Ibid. f. 132. 6 Reg. Grindal, f. 113.
99 Reg. Hill, f. 23. " Ibid. f. 191.
1 Ibid. f.50. 8 ibid. f. 215.
2 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 32. 9 Reg. Bancroft, f. 18.
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