Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/149

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Richard Cluet resigned this prebend in 1620. He was archdeacon of Middlesex.

William Prichard, A.M., 13th June 1620, on the re- signation of Cluet 10 .

Thomas Ttrxkr, S.T.B., 14th April 1629 u . He be- came chancellor of this church.

Edward Stilling], S.T.P., nth Oct. 1672, on the death of Turner ' . 1 1<' was dean of St. Paul's in 1678, and afterwards promoted to the bishopric of Worcester.

John Tillotsox, S.T.I'., 24th Dec. 1689, on the pro- motion of Edward StillinghVte to the see of Wor- cester "\

John Hint, S.T.B., 17th June 1 69 1 , on the promo- tion of John Tillotson to the archbishopric of Can- terbury '.

John Millington, 13th Aug. 1703 x ">.

Joseph Smith ; the time of hiss admission has not been ascertained.

Samuel Nicolls, 3rd Dec. 1756, vice Joseph Smith 16 . Ob. 18th Nov. 1763.

Charles Weston, 20th Nov. 1763 '7.

Thomas Briggs, i 6th Jan. 1802, vice Weston ,8 .

John Lonsdale, instituted 7th Oct. and installed 12th Oct. 183 1, vice Thomas Briggs deceased 19 .

Robert William Brownl, instituted 18th April and installed 26th April 1845, vlce J nn Lonsdale pro- moted to the see of Lichfield -.


Arturus was canon here in 1103 and 1115- 1 . Nicholas Crocemannus or Crocumannus.

��10 Reg. Bancroft, f. 328. ^ Bishops' Certificates.

11 Reg. Laud, f. 45. 16 Ibid. V Ibid.

12 Reg. Henchman, f. 166. 18 Ibid. '9 Ibid. '3 Reg. Dec. et Capit. f. 218. 20 ibid.

14 Reg. Compton, f. 1 18. 21 Lib. L. ff. 1 7 et 40.

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