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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/186

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��and placed there Felix, a Burgundian, who had been commissioned to convert the East-Anglians t<> Chri- stianity '.


630 Felix, the first bishop of East Anglia, commenced his ministry in 630; and, alter having presided upwards of sixteen years, he died on Wednesday 8th March 647 ', and was buried at Solium, but his body was

subsequently translated to the abbey of Ramsey in Huntingdonshire .

Thou a-, the deacon, of Jarrow, was consecrated as the successor of Felix in 647 by Honorius, archbishop of < lanterbun 5 , and presided over the see five yeara

Berctgils, Burnamed Bonii a.< 1 . He was also conse- crated by Honorius 8 . He sal seventeen years.

Bisi succeeded I!' rotgils, and was ordained by arch- bishop Theodore in 670'; but his greal age and in- different health prevented him from governing so large a districl : he therefore divided his diocese into two sees, giving the charge of Domnoc to A.ecce, and placing Elmham under Baedwine


673 Ann 11 , A 1 s< 11 n 73 1 Eabdsed ' or A ldbeect.

Cl Till I \ 1




��Beda, Bist. Ecd. lib.ii.c.15. Ibid.

' M;ilmes. de Pontif. f. 135. 11 Beda, lli>t. Eccl.lib.iii.c.20. " Ibid. a Ibid.

| Beda, lib. iv. c. 3.

10 Ibid.

" MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi.; Aecci, Beda; Heca, Malmes. ; Aeca, Flor. Wigorn. In the printed works of Malraesbury. &c, the name has been misread

��Etta and Heta for Heca.

12 MS. Cott. Veep. B. vi. ; Aaculfufl, Malmes.; Aesculfus, Flor. Wigorn.

w MS. Cott.Vesp. B. vi. ; Ald- berct, Beda, lib. v. c. 23 ; Hear- dulfus, Condi. AngL i. 94 ; Ear- dredus, FlorAVigorn.; Edredus, Malmes. ; Eadfarthua, Godwin.

M MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi.; Malmes. el Flor. Wig. ; Guth- wine, Text. Iloff.

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