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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/187

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A11 1 ur\ ls .

TlDl IK ! !I 10 .

lit Mil. It ll 1

Waermund 91 .

WlLBRED 22 .


Baedwine -' '. Ob. 679. Nor 11 in: Kiri-'.

Ill A THOLAi - '.

Al'.TIlII.l I.K'I II ".

Eaxii 1; I'll -'.

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Uuermi \n ' or Waermund.

I Vii.i Kin ;1 or WlLBRED.

��15 M S.Cott. Vesp. B.vi.; Albri- flms. Malmes.; Aldbertus, Flor. Wigorn., Moved, fol. 231 b.

16 MS. Cott. Vesp. B.vi. His name follows Eiglaf in the lists of Florence, Malmesbury, and Godwin.

ir Xot in Vesp. B. vi., but in CCC Cantuar. clxxxiii, Malmes., Flor. Wijrurn., et Text. Roff.

18 MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi., Alhun. Malmes. ; Alfhunus, Flor. Wigorn.

h MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. but in a later hand ; Widferth, Tiber. B.v.; Hidferthus, FlorAVigorn.; Titfrid, Malmes.

20 MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi, later hand. Amongthebishopsof Elm- ham in Florence and Malmesbury.

21 CCC. Cantuar. clxxxiii.

22 Ibid.

23 MS. Cott. Vest. B.vi. Bead- wine, CCC. Cantuar. clxxxiii.; Baldwine, Malmes.; Eadewine,

vol. 11. q

��Text. Roff.

- 4 MS. Cott. Vesp. B.vi.; Roth- berbt, Tiber. B.v..et Text. Roff.

-' MS. Cott. Vesp. B.vi.; Ha- dulac, Beda, lib. v. c. 23 ; Xetho- lacus. Malmes.

  • MS. Cott. Vesp. B.vi.; E-

delfridus. Malmes. ; Aethelfertb, Flor. ^'i}Torn.

27 MS. Cott. Vesp. B.vi. Ae- thelfrith, CCC. Cantuar. clxxxiii; Lamfred, Malmes.; Lanferthus, Godwin.

28 MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn. After this bishop Florence changes the succession thus : Hanferth, Sib- ba, Hunferth, and Hunbryht.

29 MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. Alh- heard, CCC. Cantuar. clxxxxiii.

so MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. In some lists called also bishop of Domnoc.

si MS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. In some lists called also bishop of x

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