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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/201

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��was buried in the chancel of the church of Aylsham in Norfolk. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 9 . The conge" dYlire, vice John, bishop of Norwich, is dated <. y 1 1 1 May [618 . 1 6 1 8 John Overall, bishop of Coventry <<n<l Lichfield, was jac. i. elected to this see zist May 1618, and received the royal assent 8th Juno 11 ; lie was confirmed 30th Sept. following '-', and the temporalis a were restored to him 7th Oct. 1 ' 1 lb' died :2th May 1619, and was buried in his own cathedral. The conge dYlire, vice bishop Overall, is dated rsf dune [619 14 .

1619 SAM1 II. HaESNET, bUhlOp of ( 9Sti /', Wa.S elected to

' a '- this see 17th June 1619. He received the royal assenl

20th July 1 ', was confirmed 28th Aug. following 16 , and

received the temporalities 22nd Sept. 1 " In 1628 he

was translated to York.

629 Fi w t [s White, bishop of Carlisle, was elected to this

Car. I. see 22nd Jan. 1628-9, confirmed 9th Feb. 18 , and 8th

Dec. 1631 he was translate d to Ely 19 . i6]2 Richard Corbet, bishop of ' Oxford^ was elected to this Cur. 1. S ee 7th April 1632. confirmed 7th May following' 20 , and had restitution of the temporalities made to him on the 12th of the same month- 1 . He died 28th duly 1635--, and was buried in his own cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury - '. 1635 Matthew Ween, bishop of Hereford, was elected to 1 Car. I. this see icth Nov. 1635, and confirmed 5th Dec. fol- lowing- 1 . He was translated to Ely in 1638 25 . The conge d'elire vice bishop Wren issued 1st May 1638- 6 .

��9 Meade, 29.

10 Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 26. No. 5. i Ibid. No. 4. 1- Reg. Abbot, f. 126.

13 Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 26. No. 1.

14 Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 12. No. 3. > Ibid. No. 4.

16 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. f. 24.

17 Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 12. No. 5.

��18 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. f. 168.

19 Reg. Laud.

20 Reg. Abbot, pars iii. f. 63.

21 Pat. 8 Car. I.

22 Ex Epitapbio.

23 Sadler, 97.

24 Reg. Laud, f. 44.

2 5Pat. 14 Car. I. p. 35. N. 5. 26 Ibid. p. 37. N. 4.

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