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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/202

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1638 Richard Mountague 26 , bishop of Chichester, was elected 14 Car. I. to this see 4th May 1638 -~. He obtained the royal assent on the 9th, was confirmed on the lath 28 , and had the temporalities restored on the 25th of that month 29 . He died 13th April 1641, and was buried in his own cathedral. 1641 Joseph Hah, bishop of Exeter, was elected 1 ",th Nov. i7Car.i. 1641, confirmed [6th Dec. 1641. During the revolu- tionary troubles he retired to Heigham near Norwich, when.' he died, 8th Sept. 1 656, Betat. 82, and was buried in the churchyard of that parish. His will is in the Prerogative ( mice of Canterbury 31 . 1661 Edward Reynolds was elected to the bishopric of 12 Car. 11. Norwich at the Restoration 28th Nov. [660, and consecrated 13th Jan. 1660 1 -'. He died 28th July 1676, setat. 76. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 1676 Anthony Spabbow, bishop of Easter, was elected to 38Car.11. the see of Norwich 28th Aug., confirmed 18th Sept. 1676 : . and consecrated at Lambeth 12th Nov. fol- lowing He died [8th May 1685. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 1685 William Lloyd, />i.<h>>/> of Peterborough, was 1 lected to 1 Jar. u. the Bee of Norwich 1 ith J une, and confirm* d -4th July 1685; but was ejected therefrom for refusing to take the oath of fealty to king William the Third. He died at Hammersmith 1st Jan. 170910.

'-'" He called himself abbot of my body to be buried without St. Rennet's Huhne. MS. note any funeral pomp, at the discre- in lord Powis's copv. tion of my executors, with this

-" Reg. ( 'ant. only monition, that I do not hold

'-"' Pat. 14 Car. I. p. 27. No. 3 God's house a meet repository

et 2. for the dead bodies even of the

30 On the burial-place of this greate>t Baints.' "

venerable prelate the Reverend 31 Rerkeley, lib. vii. f. 333.

Thomas Boylea Murray remarks, - R _-. Juxon, f. 239.

' The obscurity and lowliness of M Rence, 103.

this good man's tomb may be M Reg. Sheld. f. 177.

partly accounted for by direc- London Gazette,

tions given in his will ' I leave ^ Cann, 75.

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