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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/206

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April 1554 48 . In 1557 1 1 was made bishop of Chi Chester. John Boxall, S.T.P., doom of Peterborough, waa re- moved to this deanery in [557, and waa installed 20th or 21st !>. II- resigned in the uexl year, a little before queen Man died. 1 !< became dean of Windsor.

John II \ i;i-i 1 1 1 I'. 8. T. I '.. OTcMt 000* of London,

presented i6th May 1558 49 , and was installed 9th June following. He was deprived in 1560. John Salisbi hv was restored in 1560, and in 1 ",71 he was made bishop of the [ale of Man; but held this deanery in oommendam with it t<> his death, which happened in the latter end of Sept. i573 '"' was

hnrird in Norwich cathedral.

Geobgi Gardiner, S.T.P., a/rehdeaoon of Norwich, was presented z8th Nov. 40 , and installed < y 1 1 1 !). 157; He died the latter end of ' 5 s ^ - and was buried in the cathedral.

Thomas Dovi . S.T.P., waa installed [6th June 1589; and in 1601 he waa made bishop of Peterborough.

Jons .Ti 1. o\, s.T.IV. waa installed zand July 1601. and in 1^03 waa made bishop ofthia Bee.

(i 1 osGi Mo\ ii.iim 1 ay j S.T.P., waa installed 7th June [603. In 160511c had the bishoprics of Deny, Etapho, and (Mother in Ireland given him, and held them all till 1610. when he quitted the two former for that of Meath. He held this deanery till 28th Sept. 161 4, and then resigned it.

Edmund Sitki.inc;, S.T.P., was installed 30th Sept. 161 4. 11<' died in 1 628, and was huried in the cathe- dral. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canter- bury 51 .

John Hassall, S.T.P., was installed 15th July 1628.

��*" Reg;. Norwic. 50 Pat. 16 Eliz. p. 9. m. C>.

49 Rymer, vol. xv. p. 485. ' Barington, 74.

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