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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/207

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DEANS. 177

He died 27th Dec. 1^54. and was buried at North-

Oreake in Norfolk ,J .

I >, ,1,,, rv void till afU r tkt t\ storation. John Ciini in. S.T.P., wa- installed 7th Aug. 1660.

Hi died 27th July [670, and was buried in the oathe-

dral Herbert Asteley, LL.D., was installed 2nd Sept.

1670. He died Kth June l68l, eetat. 63, and was

buried in the cathedral '. John Sharp, S.T.I*., was installed 8th Juno i6<Si;

and in [689 he was removed to the deanery of Canter- bury. Henry Fairfax, S.T.I'., nominated 13rd Sept. 16^9,

vice Dr. .John Sharp made dean of Canterbury 54 j was

collated 1 st Nov. and installed 30th N<>\. 1689. Ho

died 2nd May 1702. eetat. 68, and was buried in the

cathedral '. Humphrey Prideaux, S.T.P., archdeacon of Suffblh,

was installed 8th June 1702. Ob. ist Nov. 1724. Thomas Cole, D.D., was nominated 1 7th Nov. 1 724.

vice Dr. Humphrey Prideaux deceased-'". He died

6th Feb. 1730 i, setat. 50. Robert Butts, D.D.. was nominated 6th Feb. 17 30-1,

vice Dr. Cole deceased. Ho was promoted to the

bishopric of this see in Feb. 1732-3. John Baron, D.D., archdeacon of Norfolk, succeeded

Dr. Butts in the deanery of Norwich in Feb. 1732-3.

He died in July 1739. Thomas Bullock, D.D., nominated 2nd Aug. 1739,

vice Dr. John Baron deceased 58 , and installed 15th

Aug. Ob. 30th May 1760. Ho:n. Edward Townshend, Aug. 1760. Ob. 3rd

Feb. 1765. Philip Lloyd, D.D., Feb. 1765. Ob. 31st May 1790.

52 Dr. Tanner says, from the ^ Ex Epitaphio. 54 Ibid.

Register, he was buried in the 55 Church Book, Home Office,

precinct of the cathedral, 27th 5fi Ex Epitaphio.

Dec. 1657. Note in earl Powis's 5 ' Church Book, Home Office,

copy of Le Neve. 58 Ibid.

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