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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/234

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[542 Robert King 6 , tk last abbot o/Osney 7 ' w:is made tho 34H.VTII. first bishop of Osnej ist Sept. 1,542; the see however was removed to Oxford 9th June 1545 s - He died 4th Dec. 1557 9 , -'""I was buried in the cathedral 10 . His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury 11 . 1558 Thomas Goldwi i i , bishop of St. Asaph, was nominated 5&6P.&M. to this Bee, and had a patent for the custody of the bishopric and temporalities, dated 9th Nov. 1558 '-, but before the translation could be perfected, queen Mary died; and the translation was never completed; he soon after resigned his bishopric of St. Asaph, left England, and died in Borne circa 1581. A conge d'elire was issued 1 b1 Sept. i.Vr oard* ofnim yean.

1567 Hugh Coei n . Ci si w, Ci sei \. or Ci aw en, LL.D., ioEUx. ua- elected 26th Sept. 1 567, had the royal assent to lii< election 8th Oct. ', and the temporalities were re- stored to him jrd Dec. 16 . 1 ! died in the latter end of Oct. 1 568, at Rwinbroke near Burford in Oxfordshire, and was buri< d there. Ili~ will is in the Pr< rogative Office of Canterbury 1 '. The spiritualities after his

6 Episcopua RhedonenuB or lin about April 1555, < I 'at . 1 \ a

Reoncnis in partibue in fidelium PhiL & Mir. p. 11. m. 16.) and

suffraganeua episcopo Lincolni- is Baid to have been consecrated

end. Reg. Longland Line. in St. Paul's cathedral, London,

' He was also last abbot of 8th Sept. 1 555. It i< remarkable

Thame. that neither in the grant of the

8 Pat.37Hen.VIII. p. 2. m. 36. royal assent, nor in that of the

The spiritualities of the see restitution of the temporalities of

after his death were seized into Oxford, is any mention made of

the hands of the archbishop 7th hi- having enjoyed that dignity;

Dec 1557. Beg. Pole, f. 62. he it j styled, H Reveren-

'" Ex Epitaphio. dum in Christo patrem Domi-

11 Cheyney. [3. num Hugonem Curen," and

12 Pat. 5 & 6 Phil. & Mar. p. 2. " reverendum in Christo patrem m. 31. Hugonem Curren."

1 3 Pat. 9 Eliz. p. [3. m. 31. l * P ' l.liz. p. 2. m. 1.

14 He was elected 'lean of He- 16 Ibid. p. 10. reford in 1, ",41, and was promoted Babington, 25. to the archiepiscopal see of Dnb-

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