that month ; the royal assent was given to his elec- tion on the 25th of the same month, he was confirmed 15th April, and the temporalities were restored to him 17th April. He died 26th June 1799.
1799 John Randolph was nominated to Oxford 1 8th July 39Geo.HI. 1799, and eleeted 5th Aug.; the royal assent was given to his election 7th Aug., ho was confirmed on the 31st of the same month, and consecrated 1st Sept." 1 , and the temporalities were restored to him 26th Sept. 1 lie was translated to Bangor in Dec. 1806.
1807 C'liAiii.Ks Moss was nominated to tho see of Oxford 47Geo.HI. 9th Jan. 1807, and the conge d'elire issued on the 13th of the same month; he was elected on the 19th, the royal assent to his election was given on the 21st; ho was confirmed on the 31st of the same month, was consecrated 1st Feb., and the temporalities were re- stored to him 3rd Feb. 63 He died 16th Dec. 181 1.
1812 William Jackson was nominated 30th Dec. 1811, and 52Geo.HI. elected 27th Jan. 1812; the royal assent was given to his election 29th Jan. He was confirmed 22nd Feb. and consecrated the next day ; the temporalities were restored to him j ith March 1 . He died 2nd Dec. 18 15, astat. 65.
1815 Edward Legge, D.C.L., dean of Windsor, was nomi- 56Geo.ni. natcd 22nd Dec. 1815, and elected 12th Feb. 1816 ; the royal assent to his election was given 21st Feb., he was confirmed 23rd March, consecrated the next day, and the temporalities were restored to him 25th March 64 . He died 27th Jan. 1827, aetat. 60.
1827 Charles Llovd, r eg ins professor of divinity, Oxford, 8 Geo. IV. W as nominated to this see 10th Feb. 1827, elected on the 12th, and the royal assent to his election was given on the 22nd of the same month ; he was con- firmed 1st March, and consecrated on the 4th; the
��60 Reg. Moore, f. 334. 62 Church Book, Home Office.
61 Church Book, Home Office. <& ibid. Ibid.
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