Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/240

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temporalities were restored to him 12th March 63 . He died 31st May 1829, ^tat. 44. 1829 Richabd 13a cot was elected 13th July 1829 ; the royal

10Geo.IV. assent to his election was given on the 31st of the same month. He was confirmed 22nd Aug., conse- crated the next day, and the temporalities were re- stored to him 7th Sept* 64 . He was translated to Bath and Wells in Nov. 1 846 s5 . 1 S46 Sam i 1 1. Wilbebfobc] , dean of Westminster, the pre-

8 Victoria, gent bishop, was nominated to this Bee 1 2th Nov. 1S46, and elected on the 17th, the royal assenl t<> his elec- tion was given on the 18th, he was confirmed "ii the 22nd, and consecrated on tin ; thofthe Bame month. The temporalities were restored to him 15th Dec.

The arms of the see are thus blazoned: Sable, a

fess argmt ; in rhief, three ladies 1 heads arrayed and veiled argent, and crowned or, and in base an ox of the second passant over a ford proper.

This bishopric is rated for nrsi fruits al 381/. 1 is. o\</.


King Henry the Eighth, bj his patent dated ioth May 1524, granted leave to cardinal Wolsey to con\< it the monastery of St. Frideswide into a college 66 , by

virtue of which, the cardinal changed the name of St. Frideswide into Cardinal college ; and king Henry confirmed it by his patent dated 13th July 1525 67 . The same King by other patents, dated 1st, 5th, and rcth .May 1526, granted several immunities and pri- vileges to the said newly-erected college 1 '. But on on 15th Jan. 153031. all the lands and patronages

63 Church Book, Home Office. 17.-,, 179 to 184. See also several

64 Ibid. 65 Ibid, bulls of pope Clement, in favour

66 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 15. of this college. Rymer, vol. xiv.

6 7 Ibid. p. 39. pp. 250 to 257. c,y Rymer, vol. xiv. pp. 155 to

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