.516 OXFORD.
William Bridges, S.T.B., installed 17th June 1614; he died in 1624, being also prebendary of* Lincoln.
Barton Holiday. A.M.; he compounded for his first fruits in May 1625. Ho died 2nd Oct. 1661, and was buried in the cathedral of Christ Ohuroh, Oxon.
Thomas Barlow, S.T.P., provost oj Q 's college, suc- ceeded in 1662, and installed 13th June 1664; U1 1675 ho was made bishop of Lincoln.
Timothy Halton, S.T.V., archdeacon of Brecknock, pre- sented 10th July 1675. He died zisf July 1704.
Humphrey Hody, S.T.P., instituted ist Aug. 1704. He died 20th Jan. 17067.
Timothi Goodwyn, S.T.P., collated tsl Feb. 1706-7- From this dignity he was mad.' bishop ofKilmoreand Ardagfa in Ireland in 1714, ami thence translated to the archbishopric ofCashel. <>1>. 13th Deo. 1729; bu- ried at St. Anne's, Dublin, 1 5th Deo. 1729.
William Baker, S.T.P., collated 14th Feb. 17 1415, vice Goodwyn. He was made bishop of Bangor in 17-3.
Robert Cooke, A.M.. prebendary of Gloucester, 23rd April 1724'". He died in Aug. following.
(ii.oiu.K Kyi., 1>.1)., 26th Aug. 1 724 '". He died in July 1 741.
John Potter, M..\.,son of the archbishop <>i'< lanterbury, 22nd Sept. 1741 , vice Dr. Rye deceased. He died in j 767.
Thomas Randolph, D.D., 19th Jan. 1767 98 , vice John Potter resigned. He died in 1 783.
Geoiu.i Ti kxkr, D.D., 30th June if 83 s4 , vice Thomas Randolph deceased. He died in 1797.
Phineas Pett, D.D., nth Nov. 1797', vice George Turner deceased. He died in 1830.
Ciiahi.es Carb Clerke, M.A., 9th March 1830, vice Phineas Pett, D.l).
This dignity i- rated for first fruits at 71/. 6s. ok/. 96
90 Bishops' Certificates. "' Bishops' Certificates.
'" Ibid. - Ibid. * Ecton, p. 284.
[bid. M ibid.
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