Richard Gardiner, S.T.P., who \\a< restored to it in
July 1660. He died 20th Dec. 1670, aetat. 79, and
was buried in the cathedral 4 . Robert South, S.T.P., was installed 29th Dec. 1670.
He died 8th July 1716, set. 83, and was buried 16th
July in Westminster abbey. Hon. Henri Egerton, B.C.L., 8th Aug. 17 16. Bishop
of Hereford in 17- j 4. Thomas Tanner, D.D., [5th Feb. [723 4; held the
stall in oommendam \\ i 1 1 1 the bishopric of St. Asaph. l).w 1 d (i 1: egory, Nth June i 7 />. Dean of ( Ihrisi ( Ihurch
in 1756. William Friend, D.D., 24th May 1756. Dean of
Canterbury in 1 760. John Tottie, A.M., 2 ist June 1760. Ob. 2 1 si Nov.
>774- Edward Smallwell, D.D., 13th May 1775. Bishop
of St. David's in [783, of Oxford in 1788. William -I \< kson, B.D., .Mid Aug. 1799. Bishop <>f
Oxford in [812, died in 1 8 15. Phinj am Pj 1 1. D.D., archdeacon of Oxford, Dominated
30th Dec. 1S15. installed 1 t y t li Feb. 1 8 16. John Bull, D.D., 15th March [830.
Alexandeb Belsire, A.M.. \\a^ appointed the first in this stall by the charter of the new foundation in 1 7,46. He was deprived in the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign. Ob. [ 3th July 1567. and was buried in Hanborough church, Oxfordshire.
Thomas Kent, A.M., removed from the seventh stall, was substituted in place of Belsire in 1559. He died 26th Dec. 156 1, and was buried in the cathedral.
Herbert Westfaling, S.T.B., succeeded 9th March
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