1561-2. Ho became Margaret professor of divinity
in 1 562 ; and in the latter end of 1585 he was made
bishop of I [ereford. Richard I'.i di >. S.T.B., was installed icth Feb. 1586.
Ho became dean of "Worcester in 1596. Ob. iyth
Nov. 1604. John Perin, S.T.P., succeeded 24th Nov. 1604. He
died 9th May 1615, and was buried in the cathedral. Edward (iui\, A.M., was installed 1 ith May 1615.
Ho died 24th Aug. 1624, and was buried OD the north
sido of the cathedral. John King, puibKc orator in Oxford, was admitted 28th
Aug. 1624. He died 2nd .Jan. [638, eetat. 43, and
was buried in the cathedral. Robert Payne, A.M.. was nominated by patent 16th
Jan. 1658. He was ejected by the Parliamentary vi- sitors in 1647-8. lie was buried at Swallowfield in
Berkshire. His will is in the Prerogative Office of
Canterbury, and was proved in 1651. John Mills, LL.Ji., was admitted 12th April 164S,
and exchanged this stall for the sixth with Edward Pocock in 1648. He was deprived for not
taking the engagement in 1651. Peter French, A.M., succeeded in 1651, by the dona- tion of Oliver Cromwell, whoso sister he had married.
He died at Whitehall 17th June 1655, and was buried
in St. Martin's church, Westminster. John Poynter, A.B., was substituted by the same
authority as was his predecessor, anno 1655, ^ u ^
turned out soon after the Restoration. Ob. 2nd Jan.
1683-4, setat. 86, and was buried in St. Peter's in the
East, Oxford. John Dolben, A.M., was installed 27th July 1660.
He was made dean of Westminster in Dec. 1662, and
bishop of Rochester in 1666. George Croyden, S.T.P., was installed 14th Dec. 1666.
Ob. 14th June 1678, aetat. 60.
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