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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/270

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Edward Rainbow 46 , S.T. P., wax installed 5th Jan.

1660-1, and in [664 was made bishop of Carlisle. James 1)i port, S.T.P., was installed 27th July 1664.

lie died in 1679, and was buried in the cathedral 4 '

17th duly, eetat. ) | Simon Patrick, S.T.P., was installed isl A.ug. [679,

and in 1689 was made l>isli<>]> of Chichester. Richard Kidder, S.T.P., was nominated 6th Oct.

[689, installed the ,oth of the same month, and in

[691 was made bishop of Bath and Wells. Sami 1 1 Fri 1 m an, S.T.P., was instituted 12th Sept.

, i . II died 14th < >ct. 1 707. Win 1 1 Ki \\i r, S.T.P., art f Huntingdon, in-

stituted jrd Feb. and installed ' Feb. 1707 s

I If was made bishop <>f tKis see in 171 8. Hit 11 \i:n II 1 <> no] DS,nomii rotheioth and admitted

^otli Nov. [718, vice White Kennet, promoted to the

bishopric of Peterborough. He was made bishop of

Bangor in 1 7- 1 . Edward Gi i . S.T. P., instituted 9th Dee. [721, on the

promotion of Richard Reynolds to th< - of Bangoi

He was made dean of Lincoln in 172^. John Mandeville, instituted 13rd May 1722, rio<

Gee resigned. He died zist Jan. 1 7:4-5. I' i;an 1 1- L01 ki 1 k. S.T. 1'.. nominated on the 12th and

admitted zoth March 17:4 5, vice Mandeville 48 . Ob.

1740. John Thomas, nominated A.ug. 1740, and installed

3i>t Oct. 174c. rice Lockier '. Made bishop of St.

Asaph in 1743, and bishop of Lincoln in 1744. Rorert Lamre, nominated j: 5 1 1 1 May 1744, vice Dr.

Thomas, made bishop of Lincoln. Promoted to the

see of Peterborough in 1704. Ob. 1769.

4,; Dr. George Jay was de- the register was Styled dean of

signed to succeed dean Cosin. Peterborough, but he died before his appoint- 4r K\ Epitaphio. ment was made, and was buried 4s Bishops' Certificates. in Westminster abbey, and in 4: ' Ibid.

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