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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/272

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William Biksley, LL.I)., succeeded in 1554 s3 . He was buried in the cathedral 20th Oct. 1569.

Nicholas Sm phard, S.T.B., master of St. Johns col- lege, Cambridge, was admitted in [569. He died in 15S7. His will was proved 10th July 1587.

James Howland, A.M., was installed 1 -ith Nov. 1587: void by the death ofShephard. He died 20th March 15978. His nuncupative will was proved zisl March

"597 s - William Bayly, S.T.B., admitted in 1598; resigned

it i] id March 160 J

John Buckeridge, S.T.P., was collated 13rd March 1034: void by the n signation of Bayly; in i^>i 1 In'

was promoted i<> tl, >f Etochesti r.

11 1 < 11 \ki 15 1 11 1 it, S T. i\. was instituted 9th duly 1611:

void bj the promotion <>f Buckeridge. Thomas 1)<>\ 1 . A.M.. presented 26th Sept. 1612: void

by the death of Butler. He was buried in Peter- borough cathedral -5th .July 1629. John Qi irles, A.M., succeeded ;ist July 1629: void

by the death of Dove. He died in 1665. His will,

dated t,th Nov. 1661, was proved 8th March 1664 5. John Palmer, A.M.. instituted 25th Oct. 1665, was

installed [8th Nov. 1665 : void by the death of

Quarles. Palmer died 9th Dec. 167 1. Thomas Wolsey, S.T.P., was collated 4th Jan.

1679-80, and installed on the 12th oi" the same

mouth: void by the death of Palmer. Ob. at Thorn-

haugfa 29th Nov. 1 707 Hi hard Cumberland, A.M.. was collated 1 2th Dec.

1707, and installed on the 31st of the same month:

void by the death of Wolsey. John Browne, M.A.. [3th dan. \~;~ 8, vice Richard

Cumberland . He was elected master of University

college, Oxford, in Feb. 1744-5.

��Reg. Petrib. Bz Epitaphio.

' Reg. Henshaw. K Bishops' Certificates.

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