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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/273

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William Browne, M.A., 6th Sept. 1764. on the death

of John Browne William Strong, M.A., 1st 1 ><<. 1797, on the death

of William Browne ' 8 . Ob. 8th Sept. 1842, eetat. 86. Owen Davys, M.A., 1,5th Sept. 1842, vice William

Strong deceased.

This dignity is rated for fir>t fruits at 1 22?. 7. id. 59

��ARCHDEACON OF LEICESTER*. Thomas Kate Bonney, collated 22nd Jan. [831.


FIRST STALL. Matthew Whittal, S.T.P., by the charter of erec- tion, 4th Sept. 1541 .

Thomas How i n.\ or HOUGHTON. Ob. ill 1 549.

Richaed Peter, promoted to this stall 14th Jan.

1549-50; resigned 5th Oct. 1565. Anthony Burton, A.M., was admitted 6th Oct. 1,565.

Ob. circa 1569 or 1570. Robert Rhodes, S.T.B., installed in 1570. William Bavly, S.T.B., resigned this stall 27th or

28th March 1595. William Smith, S.T.B., was collated 27th or 28th

March 1595 : void by the resignation of Bayly. Tobias Bland, S.T.B., was collated 29th Oct. 1602 :

void by the resignation of Smith. Ob. in 1604. John Bridgeman, S.T.P., was collated 13th April

1605: void by the death of Bland. He became bishop

of Chester in 161 9. John Williams, S.T.P., was collated 15th June 1616,

and in 1621 was promoted to the see of Lincoln.

��57 Bishops' Certificates. 60 Thisarchdeaconrywas trans-

58 Ibid. ferred from the diocese of Lin-

59 Ecton, p. 291. coin in 1837. See P- ^3-

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