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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/288

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��i i 14 Earnulph* 1 , abbot of Peterborough^ was eleoted 15th

16 Hen. I. Aug. 1 1 14 -, and consecrated 26th Dee. following.

He died 1 5th March 1 124 s4 , tetat. S4.

1 1 25 John I, arehdatcon <>f Caitfrrbury, was consecrated 24th

35 Ben. 1. May 1 1 25 '. and died 22nd J une 1 1 37 .

1137 John II : . (i monk of Seez in Normandy, succeeded the

2 Steph. last named prelate in the Bee of Rochester, lie was

consecrated in 1 137, and died in \ 142. 1142 Am mis. prior of Dover, succeeded John II. in the bi- 8 Staph. Bhopric of Rochester in 1142. He died 24th Jan.

1147-8*8. 1147 Wai.tku. archdeacon of Canterbury, brother of arch- '3Steph 1 >i-ln >p Theobald, was eleoted by the monks <>t" lw>- chest< r '. and did homage t< the archbishop lor tho

��Aug. consecravit Sun. Dunelm Hist, ad bo 1 10s, ct Hoveden.

Flor. w igoi n 1 tin- 1 itli Anu r . 1 ioS however fell on Tuesday.

Arnulfus, rJoved., Flor. Wigorn. j Arnulphus, Chron. Petrob. ; Ernulfus, Malmes. it Matt. Paris. I [e was originally a monk in the monastery of " St. Lucian in BelvacO," after- wards prior of Canterbury ami then abbot of Peterborough.

'- Sim. Dunelm. die Assump- tion^ S. Maria 1 . Other authori- ' - -late that lie was eleeted 28th Sept. 1 1 14. and enthroned 10th ( let. following.

^ Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm. el Hoved. say in.",; hut they commenced the new year on Christmas day.

' 4 S;i\. ( Jhron.

M Flor. Wigorn. An. 11 25. Willielmus archiepiscopus Can- tnariensis dedit episcopatum U"ueeestriae Johanni archidia- cono suo. Abb. Cliron. Rad. de Diceto.

M An. 1137. Duodecimo Kal. Julii i 20th Junei obiit Johannes

��episcopus Roffensis. Chron. ( h rvas. col. 1343. I > t 1 1 - 1 - pla< e his death on 2 2nd June.

rext.Roff.f.III.etR g Bed.

Eloff. ( iodwin omits Iun name. \n. 1147. < >1 >i it hoc anno \ linus Roffensis episcopus, anno episcopatua buj sexto, ix Kal. Februarii Chron. Gervas. col. 136a . < )i1ht wi iters place his death 2.-;rd Jan.

,; ' Godwin states that theanh-

bishops of Canterbury always appointed whom they pleased to be bishop of Rochester at each vacancy of the Bee, but that arch- hi- hop Theobald transferred his righl to the monks of Rochester, who elected Walter the archbi- shop's brother. Gervase ofCan- terbury( col. 1362 ) however makes a different statement: "Cui As- celino) SUCCessit Walteru- I 'an- tuariensis archidiaconus frater Theobaldi Cantuariensis archi- episcopi, qui secundum antiquam consuetudinem in capitulo Can- tuariensi electus est a monachis Rofa? .... Est autem in ecclesia ( 'antuariensi consuetudoab anti-

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