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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/292

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��John de Kirkeby, archdeacon of Coventry, was elected by the monks of Rochester, on the death of John de Bradfield, but he renounced his right before the arch- bishop at Michelham 17th May 1283 s6 , and 1283 Thomas IngLTHOBP s s <!<au of Si . l'<n'l\<. having been uEdw. I. elected, was confirmed by the archbishop 9th July (vii Id. Jul.) 12S}* S , and consecrated :6th Sept. fol- lowing 89 . He died 1 ith May 1:91'"', and was buried in Rochester cathedral 91 . 1292 Thomas de W 1 i dh \ u ^ t prior of Bocheett r, was elected, loEdw.L but he refused the dignity. On being elected a second time he wae consecrated in the parish church <>f < 'hart- ham in Kent 6th dan. 1 29 1-2 , He died 28th Feb. 1316-17. 1319 Haymo hi IIvtiii: was elected by the monks iHth Edw.ll. March 1316-1 7, and admitted by the archbishop <>n the 22nd of the same month; but his confirmation was delayed because the Pope had provided John de

��86 Johannes ilc Kirkeby ckc- tus in episcopuxn Roffeo. elec- tione de se facto coram archi- episcopo renunciavit \\i Cal. Junii 1283. (Reg. l'eckhaui. Frater I. archiepiscopos, dil< ctia filiia priori et capitulo Roffi 08. Electio de honorabili viro domino Johanne de Kyrkeby archidia- cono Coventr. lllusti is Domini Regis elerico in vestro monaate- rio celebrata propter ootoriam pluralitatem beneficiorum cum cura i|u;c ipsnm ioeligibilem prorsus redidit non tenet jure iteratam eligendi licenciam vobis concedimus vi Cal. Jul. 12S3. Reg. I'eckbam.

"" Or Ingaldesthorp.

88 Reg. Peckham.

89 I. archiepiscopus Cantuar. &c. London, episcopo Quia Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Micbaelis prox. rotor, in

��eccleaia nostra Cantuar. vene- rab. virum magiatrom Thomam electum Roffens. babemus vo- lente 1 tomino, in i jusdem

episcopom consecrare hoc fra- triljus et coepiscopi- oostris de- DontietJB. Hat. apod Aldington, Non.Aug.1283. Reg. Peckham.

'"' v Id. Maii. Cootin. Oervas. Dorobern. ;>l Annal. Rod'.

WDeWoldbamorWoldeham, alias de Sotbflete.

' lie obtained a license -th Jan. 1291 2 to be consecrated out of the church of Canterbury Arcliiv. Eccl. Cantuar. ), and was consecrated the next day. Reg. Sutton. Lincoln, et Annal. Roff.) Dugdale states that John bishop of Rochester was summoned to parliament 27 Edw. I., but it is a mistake in the record, the letter J. haying been written for T.

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