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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/291

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��obtain consecration until 21st Nov. 1238" 3 . He was installed on St. Andrew's day (30th Nov.) following" 1 . He died 12th Oct. 1250, and was buried in "West- minster Abbey? 5 . Lai ft] \i 1. ok S. Martin was elected xiv Cal. Nov. en.III. (19th Oct.) 1250", and consecrated at Lyons on Sun- day 9th April 1251"". He died 3rd June f 274"^, and was buried in Rochester cathedral. 274 Walteb i>k Mkkton. ohanceUor of England, was elected !dw. 1. about 2cth July 1274"'. and consecrated at Gillingham on the Sunday next after the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist (21st Oct.) following 80 . He died 27th Oct. 1277, and was buried in Rochester cathedral 81 . 278 John hi Bbadfield, precentor oj Rochester, was con- Sdw.I. secrated at Lambeth 29th May 1 27 8 ^ J . He died 2 ]\-d A.pril 1 2(S 5 si ,and was buried in Rochester cathe- dral. The custody of the temporalities of the see was committed 22nd April (x Cal. Maii) to Henry Luvel, the archbishop's steward 84 . The archbishop of Canterbury issued his license 29th April (iii Cal. Maii) to the prior and monks of Rochester, to elect a bishop in the room of John Bradfield E .

��ra Matt. Westm. AnnaL Roff. Annal. Waverl. et Matt. "Westm. ad an. 1238.

74 Matt. Westm. Annal. Roff.

75 Weever, p. 338. .Ob. 12th Oct. (iv Id. Oct.) 1250. (Annal. Roff.) Obiit insuper episcopus Roffensis circa festum S. Michae- lis, et quia sanctus habebatur, procurante Rege, sepultura est corpus ejus apud Westmonaste- rium. Matt. Westm. ad an. 1250.

76 Annal. Roff. " Monachi Roffensis elegerunt magistrum Laurentium de S. Martino, Do- mini Regis clericum et consilia- rium specialem, ne si forte alium elegissent, se Rex electioni op-

voi.. 11. 4

��posuisset. Matt. Paris.

" Annal. Roff. On 2nd April 1 25 1 he had a grant from the King as elect of Rochester. Pat. 35 lien. III. m. 10.

n Annal. Roff.

79 He was rector of the church of Potton in the archdeaconry of Bedford, which he resigned on his promotion to the see of Ro- chester. Reg. Gravesend.

80 Archiv. Eccl. Cantuar.

81 Ex Epitaphio.

82 Annal. Roff.

83 Annal. Wigorn.

84 Reg. Peckham.

85 Ibid.

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