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confirmed Boniface's bull- 5 , and by his letters, dated 22nd April 1406, commanded the archbishop to admit him by proxy; but before the preliminaries were ar- ranged pope Innocent also died. His successor, Gre- gory X II, confirmed the translation on the 1 ith Nov. 1406, and commanded the archbishop to accept of the bishop's proxy; but he did not obtain the spiritualities and temporalities of the see until 2nd May 1407. He died between the 17th and z8th Oct. 14 1H- 1 . Tho archbishop issued his license, dated "in obsidione re- gia coram Uothomago 3 Jan. 14 1 8 1 c y ,"~ I'm- the election of a bishop in the room of Richard Yonge

1419 .John Kimi-i, I.L.D., archdeacon of Durham, having

ii.n.v. been elected was provided to this see by pope Mar-

tin V. z6th June 1419 26 , and admitted by the arch- bishop to tli' spiritualities and temporalities (/tli Sept. follow inir He was translated to Chichester by papal bull 28th Feb. 14:1 -'\ Thomas Spoffoed, abbot of St. Mary's, York, was elected t<> this see on the translation of bishop Kempe to Chichester; but he was removed to Hereford be- fore consecration - '.

1422 John Langdon, a monJt of Christ Church, Canterbury, ioHcn.v. was appointed bishop of Rochester by bull of provi- sion dated 17th Nov. 14:1 . and was consecrated on Trinity Sunday, 7th June 1422 n . He died at the council of Basil 30th Sept. 1434 32 , but his body was

-' Reg. Arundel, parsii. f.35. obsequia Regia adeo occupatus

- M His will, dated 1 ;th Oct. rxistit quod dictum fidelitatis

1418, was proved 28th Oct. 1418. juramentum ratione temporahum

Reff. Chichel. rV. 319, 320. pr.-rstare non possit personaliter

-' Reg. Chichel. f. 333. pro presenti. Dat.Otford 9 Sept.

26 vi Kal. Jul. anno Pontif. 2 d . 1419. Reg. Chichel. f. 24. (Reg. Chichel. pars ii. fol. 23.) -" Reg. Chichel. f. 24. Litera Henrici Cantuar. archi- 28 Ibid. f. 32. episcopi de respectuando jura- & Ibid. f. 33. 3 Ibid,

mentum fidelitatis eo quod Jo- ' ,1 Ibid, et Reg. Langdon. init. hannes Kempe ecclesia? Roffen. 32 " Qui extra Romanam cu-

electus confirmatus in partibus ria? diem clausit extremum."

Normannia? transmarinis circa (Pat. 13 Hen. VI. m. 10.) One

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