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brought to England and buried in the Charter-house, London 33 . His will, dated 2nd March 14334, was proved 27th June 143,7". 1435 Thomas Bbouns or Bbown, LL.D., </<<tit of Salisbury

13 Hen.vi. and vicar-general ofth, archbishop of Canterbury \ was provided to this see by papal bull, and consecrated at Canterbury 1st May 1435 36 ; the archbishop restored the spiritualities and temporalities to him on the fol- lowing day, and he obtained a grant of them from the King on the [2th of the same month'". On the 19th Sept. 1436 he was translated to Norwich by bull of that date 38 . 143; William Wells, abbot of St. Mary's, York, was pro-

I5 Hen.vi. vided to the bishopric of Rochester by the Pope, and received the temporalities from the Kim: 2 let March 1437 i -' ; he was consecrated on Palm Sunday, the 24th of the same month, in the house of the bishop of Durham, near Westminster 1,1 . Ho died in Feb. 1443-4". On the death of William Wells, the monks of Rochester. 3rd March 1443-4, prayed the archbishop to issue his conge* d'elire, which was ac- cordingly done the next day 1: ; nevertheless 1444 John Low, bishop of St. Asaph, was translated to Ro-

la Hen.VI. chester by papal bull dated 22nd April 1444", and he received the spiritualities and temporalities from the archbishop 14th June, as well as from the King".

��hundred pounds were granted 40 Reg. Chichel. fol. 54. et

19th July 1432, " Episcopo Rof- Reg. Wells.

fens, ituro ad concilium Basil." 41 His will, dated 7th Feb.

33 Reg. ipsius, fol. 98 b. I443~4> was proved 14th May

s 4 Reg. Chichel. 463. 1444- (Reg. Stafford, fol. 122.)

35 Brouns in Pat. 13 Hen.VI. On 26th Feb. I443~4 the arch- m. 10. et Reg. bishop of Canterbury appointed

36 In festo SS. Apostolorum Robert East receiver of the tem- Philippi et Jacobi 1435. Reg. poralities of the see of Rochester. Brouns. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 380.

37 Pat. 13 Hen. VI. m. 10. 42 Reg. Stafford, fol. 43.

38 Reg. Chichel. fol. 53. Ibid. fol. 44.

39 Pat. 15 Hen.VI. m. 18. " Pat. 22 Hen.VI. p. 2.m.n.

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