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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/298

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Ho died in 1467, and was buried in Rochester cathe- dral. His will, dated 15th Aug. 1460, was proved 2ist Nov. 1467 45 .

1468 Thomas Rothekam, alias Scot, succeeded John Low 9 Edw. iv. in the bishopric of* Rochester, and obtained a license 27th March 146S 16 to be consecrated elsewhere than at Canterbury. In 1471 h<' was translated to Lin- coln ' r .

1472 John Alcock, master ofth Rolls, was the successor of

12Kdw.1v. Thomas Rotheram in this see 48 , and also obtained a

license to be consecrated elsewhere than at Canterbury

13th March 1472 . 1 1 was translated to Worcester

in 1476 ".

1476 John Russi 1. I.I..I)., archtL if Berks, became bi-

"' Ed. iv. shop of Rochester on the translation of John Alcock to the see of Worcester; and as elect of Rochester had, 6th Sept- 1476, a grant of the custody <>f the tempo- ralities ,] , and <>n the 20th of the same month obtained permission t<> be consecrated elsewhere than at ( lanter- bui'v lb- was translated to Lincoln in 14N0.

14H0 Edmund AudleYj archdeacon of Essex, bad a similar

aoEdw.IY. licensi [8th Sept. 148c ; and in [492 he was trans- lated to I [ereford '. 149-5 Thomas Sav u. ; . IJ..I )., was made bishop of Rochester

8 Urn. vii. l,v bull of provision, dated 3rd Dec. 1492; and ob- tained the 13th April 1495 a similar permission to be consecrated wheresoever he pleased 56 . He was trans- lated to London in 1496.

45 Lib. Godyng, fol. 263. in ^ Pope Paul II seems to have Cur. Prerog. Cantuar. He was promoted Alcock to this see, as anxious, on account of his age appears by his letters to the and infirmities, to resign his King dated 6th June 1471. bishopric before his death ; and A ' J Reg. Cantuar.

king Edward the Fourth, 5th * Pat. 16 Edw. IV. p. 1. m. 10.

June 14C1,",, wrote to the Pope Ibid.

on the subject, and recommend- 5 - Reg. Cantuar.

ed Thomas Rotheram as his Ibid.

successor. w Pat. 8 Hen. VII. p. 1. m. 2.

46 Reg. Cantuar. 55 Reg. Morton, fol. 16. 4 ' Pat. 12 Edw. IV. p.i.m.18. * Reg. Cantuar.

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