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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/313

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B] \.i\mi\ Andrews, M.A., admitted 1 2th July 1729,

on the death of Daniel Ilill" '. John Upton admitted 19th Jan. 17367, on the death

of l>r. Andrews 84 . Ob. 2nd Dec. 1760. Charles Coldcall, M.A.. admitted 20th Dee. 1760,

on the death of John Upton 85 . Ob. in 1793. "William Henry Cowpeb admitted in Dec. 1793, vice

Coldcall deceased. John CiiAi-ri 1 WOODHOUSE admitted 22iidSejit. I 797,

vice W. II. Cowper resign* d Robert Foote, M.A., admitted 8th Feb. 1798, on the

resignation of J. 0. Woodhouse 87 . George Strahan, M .A., admitted 1 6th Jan. 1805,011

the death of Robert Foote ss . Ob. iSth May 1824,

eetat. 81. Matthew [rving, B.D., admitted 1st Sept. 1824,011

the death of George Strahan 89 .


John Wildbore in 1541, per fundationem ; occurs in

!544- George Burden occurs in 1554. He came in in Sept.

1552, on the death of Wildbore. Thomas Robinson occurs in 1559. Percival Wyburn occurs in 156 1 and 1589, being

also prebendary of Norwich and Westminister. He

resigned this prebend. William Wilson held this stall in 1591 and 1614.

He died 15th May 1615, and was buried at Windsor,

of which he was a canon. George Smith, S.T.B., admitted 23rd May 1615 90 . Robert Dixon, S.T.P., instituted 23rd July 1660,

occurs in 1677. He died in May 1688. Thomas Sparks, S.T.P., admitted 2nd June 1688 91 .

He died 2nd Sept. 1692.

83 Bishops' Certificates. 8S Bishops' Certificates.

84 Ibid. 85 ibid. 89 ibid. 90 Ibid.

86 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 91 Ibid.

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