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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/314

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John Grant, A.M., admitted 20th Oct. 1692. Joseph Butler admitted 4th Aug. 1736, vice Dr.

Grant deceased 91 . John Lawry, M.A., admitted 2nd Sept. 1740, vice

Joseph Butler, bishop of Bristol, resigned '-'. Hi \i;\ Reginald Courti way, A.M., admitted 25th

Sept. 1773, on the death of John Lawn'". Robert Pye, LL.D., admitted 10th Juno 1774, vice

Dr. Courtenay resigned 94 . Ob. 21st May 1788. Thomas Hi v, M. A., admitted [8th dune 1 788, on the

death of Robert Pye 95 . Ob. Nov. 1807, eetat. yo. Hon. Frederick Hothaw admitted 26th Nov. 1807,

on the death of Dr. Thomas Hey"'.

THIRD STALL. Rob] 1:1 Johnson in 1541, per fundationem.

. . . . Wy 1 r occurs in 1-44.

Roland Tayloi b, deprived in [554*

John Hinti ia led, and died in 1554.

Ph. I'i: 1 1 B in [554.

M a 1; 11 n ( !olli Nfl held it in 1556 and 1 '/) 1 , as did

Robi e 1 Johnson in 1,57c. being prebendary of Wind- sor and arclideaei.il of Leicest* P.

.... Fitch died possessed of this prebend in 1612.

William Collins, A.M., instituted 16th July 1612. vice Dr. Fitch deceased 7 .

Richard Tillesley, S.T. B., admitted 13th June i6i5 9 \ He died in 1621, being then also archdeacon.

John Codd, S.T. P., held it in 1660 and 1666, as did

Mn 1 a Criche, admitted 7th Feb. 1672-3'.

Henry Ullock, S.T. P., instituted 13th Feb. 1674-5. In 1689 he was made dean, and was succeeded by

John Gil.man, admitted 17th April 1 689 l . He died 17th Xov. 1 7 10, and was succeeded by

��91 Bishops' Certificates. 96 Bishops' Certificates.

W Ibid. W Ibid. 97 ibid. a* Ibid.

M Ibid. Ibid. w ibid. 1 Ibid.

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