705 Ai.dhei.m was the first bishop of Sherborne, and was
ordained thereto in 705- by Brihtwald, archbishop of
Canterbury >. He died on the eve of St. Augustine,
the apostle of the English, the eighth calends of June
(25th May), in the year 709 '. Foetheei 5 succeeded in 709': hi went to Home with
queen Frithogitha in 73 7 r . HEEEWALDj In- was present at the synod called by
archbishop Outhbert in 747 s . He died in 78a 9 . 782 Aethelmod 10 succeeded Herewald in 7<S2 n .
Denefeite : In 1 made hi- profession of obedience to
archbishop Aethelheard, who presided from 790 to
803. UuiGBEEHT 12 . He was at tile council of Oloveshoo held
in 803. He went to Rome with archbishop Wulfred
inSiz 1 '. He died in 8 16 14 .
��709 739
��- Beda, Hist. Eccl. lib. v. c. 18. et Malmes. de Vita Aldhelmi.
3 Flor. Wigorn. ad ann.
4 Malmes. Gest. Reg. lib. i. Speaking of Ahlhelm, Malmes- bury says : " Some say that he Mas the nephew of the King [Ina], by his brother Kenten; but I do not choose to assert for truth any thing which favours more of vague opinion than of historic credibility; especially as I can find no ancient record of it, and the chronicle clearly de- clares that Ina had no other bro- ther than InigekLwho died some few years before him. Aldhelm needs no support from fiction."
5 Forthere, MSS. Cott. Yesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B. v. Fordere, Malmes.
6 Bed. Hist. Eccl. lib. v. c. 18. et Flor. Wigorn.
��7 Sax. Chron. et Flor. Wigorn. ad ann.
8 Concil. Angl. torn. i. p. 94.
9 Flor. Wigorn. var. lect.
w MSS. Cott. Yesp. B. vi., Tiber. B. v. Otho B. xi. (ap. Wheloc.) C.C.C. Cant, clxxxiii. Malmes. Pont, et Flor. Wigorn. Godwin calls him Ethelwoldus, and Le Neve Ethelnod.
11 Flor. Wigorn. var. lect.
i-' MSS. Cott. Yesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B. v. et MS. C.C.C. Cant. clxxxiii. Wigbryht, Sax. Chron.; Wibertus, Malmes.; Wiberthus, Flor. Wigorn. Some MSS. call him Sigberht. Godwin calls him Wilbertus.
13 Sax. Chron. et Flor. Wigorn.
14 Flor. Wig. var. lect. Some authorities place his death in 833-
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