��Between Uuigbcrht and Alilstan, Lo Neve following Isaacson introduces the name of Migfred, whom In- states was slain by the Danes in 83^ or 834; but Le Neve is clearly in error.
816 Ahlstan 1 succeeded Uuigberht in 816. Be was a great warrior, and was at the battle of Ellendune, fought in 823, brtwr.'ii Mrgbryht k i 1 1 lt of the W esl Saxons, and Beornwulf king of the Mercians 16 . He was also one of the commanders :it the battle of the Parret, fought in 845 . He died in 867 18 , and was buried at Sherborne
86S Hi .\11\n\ i> succeeded Ahlstan, and was Blain al the battle of Meretun in 87 1 -. Ethelhe IG
Ethel we ard
��i mss. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. ct
Tiber. B. v. MS. (\{\(\ Cant. clxxxiii. Ealhstan, Sax. Chron.; Alhstanus, Flor.Wigorn.; Alsta- nus, Mahnes.
"' Sax. Chron. '" Ibid.
'" Sax. ( 'hron. ad ann. 1 [1 had the bishopric of Sherborne fifty years.
u ' Sax. Chron., Sim. Dunelm., el Boved. fob 238b.
- >0 MSS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B. v. Sax. Chron. Heah- mund. Flor.Wigorn.; Edmun- dus, Hen. Hunt.; Eadmund, Malmes. ; Alchmund, Chron. Mailros.
21 Sax. Chron. et Chron. Mail., but according to Hen. Hunt, lib. v. f. 200 b, at Seaton, 1 Mori- dunum.)
22 MSS. Vesp. B.vi. et Tiber. B. v. Aethelheagns, Flor.Wig.j Ethelegus, Malmes. Godwin
��calls him Etheleage.
Mss. Vesp. B.vi. et Tiber. B.V.C C C Cant, clxxxiii. Alf- rius, Flor.Wig.j Alsius, Malmes. ( rodwin calli him Alfsy.
M MSS. Vesp. I?, vi." et Tiber. B. v. Malmes.
-' Mahnes. His name does not occur in Florence of Wor- r nor in MSS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. nor in Tiber. B. v. nor in 1 C.C. t 'int. clxxxiii. Godwin calls him Swithelmus or Sigel- mns, but there is doubt whether he ever held this see.
MSS. Cott. Vesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B.v. Aethelwardus, Flor. Wigorn.; Ethelwardus, Malmes. Gest. Pontif. That writer says that after the death ofAthehveard, the bishopric of the West Saxons was dormant for seven years. I re is however some doubt whether be ever held this see.
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