Kill I LBALD 29 . SlGHELM 30 . Al'.I.Fl! ED 31 . Wl LFSIGE 32 . A ll WOLD 33 . A I. I'll 1 LSIGE 34 .
Aethelrk Bbihtwi N .
A II.MAIt'".
��BISHOPS. Ob. 918* 8 .
��-' MSS.Vesp. B.vi. et Tiber. B. v. Werstanus, Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn. Between the death of A.sser and the conse- cration of Werstan three new sees were erected out of the diocese of Sherborne ; one in Cornwall, another in Devon- shire, and a third in Somerset- shire : and shortly afterwards a fourth was placed in Wiltshire. The prelates of this last-named see were sometimes called bi- shops of Wilton, sometimes of Sunning, and sometimes of Ramsbuiv. Their names were:
909 Ethelstanus ; he held his 6ee at Ramsbury.
934 Odo ; translated to Can- terbury in 941.
941 Osulfus. Alstanus.
Wulfgarus or Alfgarus. Sigericus ; translated to Canterbury in 990.
990 Aelfric or Alfricus ; trans- lated to Canterbury in
995- Byrhtwoldus. Ob. 1045.
Heremannus, who, about
1058, united the two
sees of Wilton and
Sherborne, and subse-
��99o 1045
��quently removed the see tn Salisbury, having first attempted to place it at Malmesbury. 28 Malmes.
-"'MSS.Vesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B. v. et Malmes. Aethelbald, Flor. Wigorn.
so MSS.Vesp. B.vi. et Tiber. B. v. Flor. Wigorn. His name is omitted by Malmesbury.
" MSS.Vesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B. v. Alfredus, Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn.
MSS.Vesp. B.vi. et Tiber. B. v. Wilfsinus, Malmes.; Alf- sius, Flor. Wig. ; Ulsius, Matt. W i-tm.
33 MSS. Vesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B. v. Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn.
34 MSS.Vesp. B.vi. et Tiber. B. v. Ethelsius, Malmes.; Ae- thelsuis, Flor. Wigorn.
35 MSS. Vesp. B. vi. et Tiber. B. v. His name precedes that of Aethelsige in Florence and Malmes.
36 Flor. Wigorn. Brithwinus, Malmes.
37 Flor. Wigorn. Elmerus, Malmes.
38 Flor. Wigorn. Brinwinus, Malmes.
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