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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/327

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��^63 Walter dio la Wyi.i . subd an of Salisbury, was elected H. UI. at the latter end of Jan. J 262-3. :uu ' went abroad to the archbishop of Canterbury for his confirmation? 6 . The bishop elect returned to England after Master"", and received the royal assent and his temporalities 6th April 1263"", and was consecrated on Trinity Sunday (27th May) following. He died 3rd? 8 Jan. (hi Non. Jannarii) 12701". The conge d'elhv, vice Walter de Wyle, is dated toth Jan. 12-0 r . 1274 Robert de Wr< 11 ehampton or \Y\ ki ham pton, <l,an Bdw. 1. of Salisbury, had the royal assent given to his ! etion 6th March i27o-i sl ; but in consequence of a con- troversy between tin' bench of bishops and the prior and convent of Canterbury, which occasioned an ap- peal to Koine, he was not consecrated until 1274; nor did he receive his temporalities until 15th Aug. in that year"-, lie died 24th April 1 2N4, and was buried on the south side of Salisbury cathedral. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Robert do Wychehampton is dated 23rd -May 1 2 S 4 K ' , and 284 Walter Scammel, dean of Salisbury, having been Edw.I. elected, received the royal assent 85 12th July 1284"' ;

��" ,; Walterus electus die Lune ante 2 Februar. qui ad archiepi- scopum transfretavit pro eonfir- matione, et rediit in Angliam post Pascham. Ille Bimul et Hen- ricus episcopus London conse- crati sunt apud Cantuar. 6 Cal. Junii. (Continuat. Gerv. Doro- bern. MS.) Archbishop Boni- face's letter informing the King that he had confirmed the elec- tion is dated " apud Hautecumbe in crastino Dominica? qua can- tatur Oculi mei anno Domini 1262" (5th March 1263.) Lett, in Turr. Lond. temp. Hen. III.

77 Pat. 47 Hen. III. m. 14.

78 1 27 1. Walterus de la Wile episcopus Sarum obiit in oetavis

��Epiphania? (13th Jan.) Contin. Flor. Wigorn.

-' Annal. Westm.

80 Pat. ,55 Hen. III. m. 24.

81 Ibid. m. 19.

82 Pat. 2 Edw. I. m. 12.

83 Hie Robertus caecus erat et anno 1278 coadjutorem habuit.

W Pat. 12 Edw.I. m.n.

85 The prior and chapter of Christ Church, Canterbury, ap- pealed to the Pope against the election and the archbishop's confirmation of Walter Scammel as bishop of Salisbury, (Reg. Peckham ;) but they subse- quently withdrew their appeal. Ibid. '

86 Pat. 12 Edw.I. m. S.

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