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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/326

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��at Wilton- 20th May 1229"'. He died 2nd Nov. 1246 61 . The license to elect a successor to bishop Bingham bears date 8th Nov. 1 24/)'". 1246 William of York, provost 0/ Beverley, was chosen,

31iien.n1. and received the royal assent to his election 10th Dec. 1246"'. He was consecrated (ii Id. Jul.) 14th July 1247". He died 31st Jan. 1255-6, and was buried in Salisbury cathedral. On 12th Feb. 1255-6 the conge d'elire, vice bishop William, issued 68 , and 1256 Giles de Bhidpoet 9 , dean of Wells, succeeded. The

40Hen.Hl. royal assent to his election was given 15th April 1 Z'/y'", and he was consecrated (v Id. Mar.) 11th March 1 2 -/>-;"'. He died 1 3th Dec.? 9 1262, and was buried in his own cathedral The dean and chapter of Salisbury by their letter dated Friday next after the Feast of St. Lucy the Virgin (1.5th Dec.) [262, inform the Bong of the death of Giles their late bishop, and pray his Majesty to issue his royal license for the election of a hi -hop in his stead r '. The license ua- issued on the 30th of that month 7 ', and

��,; - It. Byngham, episcopus S - rum. Wiltoniam consecratus alj I. Baton, et Wellen. et Wigorn. episcopis virtute mandati a G. Papa directi Ricardo Cantuar. electo nondum consecrato, cau- tionem dedit ne cedat in preju- dicium Cantuar. ecclesiae. (MS. note by bishop Ktnnet in the Middle Hill copy of be Neve.) Anno Domini 1229': _ Ro-

bertas de Bingham elect 11- Sa- rum apud Septoniam munus consecrationis suscepit vi Calend. Junii. Matt. Paris ad ann.

6:1 Reg. Cantuar.

w Matt, Paris ad ann.

6S Pat. 31 Hen. III. m. 9.

<* Pat. 31 Hen. III. m.8

r ' Matt. Westm.

��'- Pat. 40 ll.n. III. m. jo. alias de Bridleeford. Mat- thew Paris calls him Bredelef.

"" Pat. 40 Hen. III. m. 14. He was ool called Elect of Sa- lisbury 8th June 1256. In bis

letters of protection of that date he is only styled dem ofJ\ ills. Pat. 40 Hen. III. in. 10.

"' Annal. Winton.

"-' [26a. Circa fe8tum Sancti Nicolai obiit Egidhis episcopus Sarum (jui ante in festo S. Mi- ehaelis redierat a domino Rege de partihustransmarinis. Contin. Gervas. Dorohern. MS.

" 3 Annal. Winton. et Matt. Westm.

74 Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. (>-.

"' Patt. 47 Hen. III. m. 20.

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