Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/332

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j Ilen.Y

��sanction that appointment, was not consecrated 17 ) had the see of Salisbury conferred upon him by papal bull dated 22nd June 1407 (x Cal. Julii). The temporali- ties were restored to him ist Dec.^ s , and he made his profession of obedience at Maidstone 28th March fol- lowing 19 On 6th June 141 1 he was consecrated a Eto- nian cardinal 50 . He died at the council of Constant ' 4th Sept. 1417 \aiid was buried in the cathedral church there 13th Sept. His will, dated 23rd Aug. 1417' 1 , was proved 10th Sept. 1417 . The conge d'elire, vice

Robert 1 lallimi. issued nth ( >et. 1417 ' John Chaundeleb, dean of Salisbury, was elected

15th Nov. 1417; had the royal assseni 22nd Nov. 5 ', was confirmed 7th Dec, and consecrated on the 12th of the same mouth B : he had the temporalities re- stored to him nth Jan. ' i-| 1 7 iS" , and was enthroned

��47 In the patent by winch his temporalities wen- restored he is Btyled " late archbishop of


~ Pat. ') Hen. IV. p. 1. in. 20.

49 Rcis. Arundel, f . 4 i .

50 Ciacon.Yit. Pontiff. et Card, torn. ii. coll. N03.

51 In arce (Jotliebensi per Ro- bert] episcopi obit inn qui in cas- tro (iotliehen. extra muros Con- Btan. tempore quo mm rale con- cilium celebratur. Lit. Mart. PP. in Regist. CbicheL f. 21. Sabjacet hie stratus Robertas Hal-

luni roatatas. Quondam prtelatus Barom sub ho-

nore creatos. Hie decretor doctor padaqaeoreator. Nobflis Anglorum regis fuit amba-

caator. Feetom Cnthberti Beptembris eri-

gebat In quo Roberti mortem Constantia

fiebat. Anno milleno bricentf octuageno sex

cum tor deno Cum Christo vivat ameno. 63 Reg. Chichcl. f. 181.

�� Yonder Hard. torn. iv. p. 1418.

Reg. CbicheL f. 307.


Pat. - Hen. V. in. 15.

[bid. m. 11.

S Reg. ipsius. 1 P - Ilen.Y. in. 6.

60 On 17th Dec. the King wrote from his camp at l'alaise to the duke of Bedford, guar- dian of the realm during his ab- e from England, stating that " Master John Channdeler that was dean of Salisbury is chosen bishop of the same church, whereof we hold us well agreed, and thereto we give our assent royal, and we woll well that af- ter the consecration of the said elect he have livery of his tem- poralities." A letter on the same subject and of the same date was also addressed to the bishop of Durham, chancellor of England. A memorandum of the privy council, dated 21st Jan., and written at the foot of the letter

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