Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/62

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��Roger Altham, S.T.P., was installed ytli Feb. i 7 16-1 7.

Ob. 28th Feb. 1 729-30. la . Daniel Waterland, collated 1 3th Aug. 1730. Ol>.

23rd Dec. 1740 Fifield Allen, collated 6th May 1741. Ob. 26th

April i 764 1 ; .

John- Hotham, i st May 1 ~' r >4 1 s .

George Jubh, 8th Jan. 1780 16 . II c igned in 17S1.

Ob. 13th N-^. 17 7. Stephen Eaton, 7th Sept. 1781, vice George Jubb 17 . George Owen Cambridg] 12th Maroh 1806 18 . Ob.

[at May 1841, Betat. 85. William Ham II \i 1 , collated 19th Aug. and in-

stalled 29th Aug. 1 s .;^ '. vice G orge Owen Cam- bridge. John Lom dale, collated 20th Jan. and installed isl

July [84 , - , vice William Hale Hale. John Sim lair, collated 22nd Dec 1 $4 ;, and installed

(ist Jan. 1844 . rioe John Lonsdale promoted to

the see <>t" Lich6eld. This archdeaconry is rated for first fruits at '>o/.--

��ARCHDEACONS OF ESSEX 23 . Theobald or Tethbald, prebendary of PortpoU <ti"l Codington Minor, held this archdeaconry before 1 142-'.

��'-' Bishops 1 Certificates.

ia Ibid. " Ibid.

'" Ibid. " ; Ibid.

i? Ibid. 18 Ibid.

18 Ibid. -' Ibid.

21 Ibid.

Ecton, p. 217.

28 The archdeacon of I- 0( cupied the Becond -'ill on the riu r lit Bide of the choir.

- 4 I..' Neye, in a nol . - " Theobald is the fit lown

by Mr. Newcourt, though in his notes upon him he owns that this person (whilst canon

��ut" St. Paul's 1 was present with Reugerus, Quintilianus, Walter- us, and Robertas (the first lour archdeacons of tins diocese that have occurred to him ) at an a- greement made by the canons of this church in 1143; therefore surely one of those four wa- archdeacon of Essex : the arch- deaconry of St. Alban's, which makes the fifth in this diocese, being instituted some hundreds of years after, viz. after the sup- ision of religious houses by king Henry the Eighth."

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